"Some goofball, some dork from wherever"
02/17/09 15:50
CBS reports that more than 2.5 million viewers dined on a Web clip of Joaquin Phoenix/David Letterman within 36 hours of its Feb. 11th telecast on that old thing known as a TV set.
"Additionally," says CBS, "clips of the interview have been shared thousands of times through user-embedded players on social networks and blogs, underscoring the complementary relationship between on-air and online."
We'd like to further underscore that complementary relationship with a clip from Letterman's perhaps even more bizarre encounter with Crispin Glover on the host's old NBC Late Night program. It originally aired on July 28, 1987.
Stick around after Letterman walks off and then walks back on to brand Glover "some goofball, some dork from wherever." You'll hear Dave being jeered by some members of his studio audience. And he doesn't much like it. Enjoy.