C'mon down!!! -- to Carpet One Flooring Outlet Warehouse
08/20/09 03:35 PM

The venue's a bit offbeat and out of the way. Still, it could be well worth the trip if you end up like the crazed contestant pictured above.
Basically, CBS' The Price Is Right is in the midst of its first-ever national contestant search. And you can audition by journeying to Hurst on Saturday, Aug. 22nd for the 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. auditions at Carpet One Flooring Outlet Warehouse (formerly Stone Mountain Carpet, if that helps) at 825 Airport Freeway near Precinct Line Road.
Three auditioners will be chosen and one of them will be guaranteed a bidder's spot on "Contestants' Row" during a future taping of Price in Los Angeles.
You need to bring a completed copy of the show's application and eligibility forms, which can be downloaded here.