NBC5 news duo competing for charity on Millionaire
11/28/11 01:29 PM

Hoping for a win-win situation, NBC5 meteorologist Samantha Davies and sports anchor/reporter Matt Barrie will be teaming up on the Tuesday, Nov. 29th edition of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
Fort Worth-based NBC5 carries the syndicated program weekdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Davies and Barrie, featured on the opening half-hour, will be donating their winnings to the American Heart Association as part of Millionaire's "Play It Forward" week.
They'll be a two-person team, and can talk amongst each other before giving host Meredith Vieira their final answers. Minimum winnings of $5,000 are guaranteed, according to a publicity release.