Hello, Larry
01/22/08 11:50 AM

CBS11 kicked off the Larry Mowry era Monday with the new weatherman's debut on the station's 10 p.m. newscast.
He threw down his first forecast with an almost surreal smoothness after anchors Doug Dunbar and Karen Borta welcomed the Orlando, FL import by giving viewers a look at his nine month old daughter, Regan.
"Thank you very much," he said congenially. "That's nice of you guys to show the pictures of her. That's very sweet of you."
Mowry then got to the night's "dense fog advisory" after dutifully praising D-FW as a "great place to live."
"We've got a lot going on weather-wise, too," he added. "So that makes my job very active."
He's a pretty active temperature taker, too, using his hands as weather vanes while getting a bit closer to the camera than predecessor Kristine Kahanek, who for now remains in charge of the early evening weather segments.
Mowry also projects well, and had no stumbles during his inaugural forecast. He didn't try any tough Texas pronunciations, but had no trouble rattling off Dallas, Fort Worth, Corsicana, Ennis, Athens, Palestine and Fairfield. What, no Palo Pinto county? But he's just a rookie here, and CBS11 still has the prettiest late nighter in the market opposite competing forecasters Pete Delkus of Belo8, Dan Henry (Fox4) and David Finfrock (NBC5).
"Don't act like you're excited, all right?" anchor Dunbar jabbed after Mowry warned viewers about cold temperatures and possibly "light freezing rain" in the cards. "You didn't bring any sunshine from Orlando, did ya?"
"Not 'til Wednesday," Mowry rejoined, smiling of course. He already looks like he belongs.