Fox4 anchor Steve Eagar shows his stripes, twits management, asks viewers to decide
03/04/09 10:15 AM

It's always something at your friendly neighborhood TV news outlets. This time it's the wide-striped Dick Tracy cartoon suits occasionally worn by Fox4 news anchor Steve Eagar.
He called attention to Tuesday night's ensemble -- and also called out management -- at the close of the 9 p.m. newscast.
"I'm kind of bucking the boss with this latest thing," Eagar told viewers. "I was told never to wear this suit again. Seriously. I'm not kidding. I want to know what you think. Like it? Hate it? Should I put it out to pasture? I think it was conveyed to me it's the pinstripes that are problematic. I like it. But you decide."
Eagar then told viewers to expect quick results: "If you never see it again, you'll know what the vote was. After this, there's a chance you'll never see me again, but let's see how it plays out."
Co-anchor Heather Hays then noted that 10 p.m. anchor Baron James had just walked through the newsroom. James' oft-overstated ensembles regularly make Eagar seem like a plain paper sack.
"I'm just wondering . . . if Baron gets those comments from the boss," Hays said. "He might. He gets them from the viewers. Even though we love Baron, sometimes his suits . . ."
She reined herself in at that point. Meanwhile, Eagar says you can register your like or dislike of his Bugsy Moran coat by calling the station's "Viewers' Voice" line at 214-720-3103. Or you can send an email via the myfoxdfw Web site.
Or, of course, you can register your thoughts in the handy comments section on, where lots of people will see them.
Suit yourself.