Freeze!!! -- while we shoot you live: having an arctic blast with D-FW TV's storm troopers
02/23/15 01:38 PM

Intrepid CBS11 meteorologist Jeff Ray draws some “thunder sleet” during Monday morning’s heavy coverage of frozen North Texas. Photos: Ed Bark
@unclebarkycom on Twitter
News directors love a good arctic blast. That’s because the ratings heat up when legions of reporters are sent out to face the cold, hard facts.
They warn against driving too fast and admonish drivers who do. They paw and scrape at the ice and snow to further illustrate what’s readily apparent. Monday morning brought another round of show, tell and shiver. “I am literally freezing,” Gannett8 reporter Brian Glenn declared.
Fox4, NBC5, Gannett8 and CBS11 all preempted or truncated regularly scheduled morning programming to bring viewers the latest news. Which of course bears repeating -- over and over and over again.
NBC5 also got a chance to debut its new “Texas Thunder Truck” amid the latest popular winter weather tagline -- “thunder sleet.” The station’s anchors took turns marveling at what a coincidence that was.
Your friendly content provider spent part of Monday morning freeze-framing a variety of hard-working reporters in the field. In pictures and captions, here’s our first fierce weather collage since December of 2013, when a far more serious winter onslaught felled thousands of innocent tree branches.

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