Updates on next moves for departing Fox4 news early morning staffers Saul Garza, Jennifer Myers
05/09/18 07:49 AM

@unclebarkycom on Twitter
Garland will be the next stop for veteran Fox4 reporter Saul Garza.
He’ll be starting June 4th as the city’s new Social and Media Relations Manager.
“I finally get to tell positive stories,” Garza tells unclebarky.com. “Good news for a change. Stories that stations don’t cover.”
Garza says he’ll also be “doing freelance stuff on the side that does not conflict with the city.” He likely will have the last week of May off at Fox4, leaving the station after a 19-year career, the last dozen or so as the station’s mainstay Good Day reporter.
As first posted on unclebarky.com, Garza decided to try something new after hitting the burn-out stage as a field reporter whose wakeup calls were at 2:30 a.m.
He later elaborated on his Facebook page.
“For starters, regular hours, holidays off, my own office, an actual lunch break, a safe and healthy work environment and a lot less stress! Simply put . . . happiness!” Garza said in part.
He also noted that “Garland has all the latest toys. State of the art field cameras (yes, better than at news stations), a drone, a studio and a lot more . . . I’m going to be having fun. I already have a number of creative ideas in mind . . . I’m thankful and excited to be working for a city that gets it, that values my talents, experience, bilingual abilities, connections and ideas.”
Also as first reported by unclebarky.com, Fox4’s weekend Good Day meteorologist, Jennifer Myers, is leaving the station after first arriving in July 2012. One of the main reasons is a management mandate that she cover her naturally curly hair with a red wig. (She’s picture above without the wig, courtesy of an independent Facebook page with a mission to “Compel Fox4 to Free Jen’s Curls.”
On her own Facebook page, Myers said Tuesday that her last day at Fox4 will be on Sunday, May 13th.
“I had an amazing six years with the best team in North Texas, but it’s time for me to move on,” she says. “I’ve been offered an amazing opportunity locally that I’m SUPER excited about.”
As reported here earlier this week, Myers will be taking a position as meteorologist for North Texas-based ONCOR Electric. She’s yet to divulge this publicly and hasn’t commented to unclebarky.com.
Myers also tells her Facebook friends that “even though I’ll no longer be #teamnosleep (and leaving the wigs behind), I’m still going to be posting a TON of fun stuff on this page.” She also plans to be “visiting Operation Kindness on a regular basis to give you guys live updates on the latest animals that need forever homes.”
Email comments or questions to: unclebarky@verizon.net