This just in: A night in the lives of D-FW's late night newscasts (Mon., April 28)
04/29/08 03:53 PM

CBS11 and Jay Gormley clearly have made an egregious error in reporting that the Rev. Jeremiah Wright branded Texas Christian University a "Godless Christian college" during his Sunday guest sermon at Friendship West Baptist Church in Dallas.
Instead, the videotape that the station used as evidence during Monday's 10 p.m. newscast shows that Wright actually said "Jarvis Christian College," which is a predominantly black institution located in Hawkins, TX.
In his prominently played story, though, which since has been removed from CBS11's Web site, Gormley told viewers that the already controversial Wright "appeared to take a potshot at TCU."
He then went on to interview supposedly "outraged" TCU students, one of whom said, "How can you call people Godless if you don't know them? You know what I mean, like blanketing TCU as a Godless Christian University is just absolutely ridiculous."
Another student said in part, "We'll take the higher ground."
Shortly before 6 p.m. Tuesday, CBS11 responded to a mid-afternoon phone call and email inquiring about the story. The station plans to air a correction on Tuesday's 10 p.m. newscast. News director Scott Diener also issued this statement: "Upon further review of the tape of the speech, we were mistaken. We regret the error and offer our sincere apologies to Reverend Wright, Friendship West Baptist Church, TCU and our viewers."
(Update: CBS11 in fact issued what anchor Doug Dunbar called a "clarification" on Tuesday's 10 p.m. news. He made no mention of the station's specific allegation against Wright. Nor did CBS11 tell viewers what Wright actually had said. Dunbar read the official station statement bold-faced in the above paragraph while also noting that video of Wright's sermon had been provided to CBS11 by Friendship West Baptist Church.)
Gormley's 10 p.m. Monday piece included videotape of Wright saying, "Rape takes place not just on dates . . . not just in college -- Texas Christian University, Jarvis Christian College. Rape also takes place in marriage."
There can be no doubt after repeatedly watching and listening to the tape that Wright in fact said "Jarvis," not "Godless." So it's hard to believe that CBS11 aired such a potentially inflammatory story without giving it a better listen.
Compounding the problem, Gormley told viewers Monday night, "If you weren't listening closely Sunday morning, you just might have missed it."
No, he's the one who misunderstood what Wright said and then went with an erroneous story that clearly should have been red-flagged before doing its damage.
Gormley also said during his report that Wright's "jab at TCU may have been in response to the university's decision to move an event by Brite Divinity School off campus."
Wright eventually decided not to attend the March 29th Brite event, which honored him as part of the organization's fourth annual Black Church Summit. TCU moved the event off-campus because of security issues, the university said.
Gormley told viewers that TCU had "declined comment" on Wright's "Godless" reference, which in fact hadn't been made. Wright indeed has made other controversial comments that continue to dog the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, who in turn has been distancing himself this week from his former pastor.
CBS11 fueled that fire when it had no real basis to do so. The station did win Monday's 10 p.m. ratings competition in the total homes Nielsens, though.
BLOOPER REEL -- NBC5 anchors Mike Snyder and Jane McGarry returned together to duty Monday night after she took time off during the first two weeknights of the May "sweeps" while he stayed away on Friday. They presided over a newscast that was replete with technical problems and painful pauses when the expected video didn't materialize.
McGarry also told viewers that an estimated five percent of girls are diagnosed with "precocious puberty" . . . and "often hereditary plays a role." She meant to say "heredity."
Meanwhile, CBS11 threw up a "Too Much Mylie?" graphic in connection with the 15-year-old pop idol's provocative photo shoot for Vanity Fair magazine. The correct spelling is "Miley."
GOOD WORK -- Fox4 had an interesting story by Jason Overstreet on a steady increase in gas thievery, with high-capacity tanks most vulnerable. He interviewed a funeral home operator whose van had a hole punched in its tank.
***The station's Saul Garza also had another worthwhile "What's Buggin' You?" segment, this one on waterlogged gravesites at a veterans' cemetery.
***And veteran Fox4 investigator Becky Oliver appeared to have the goods on a Dallas in-home care agency with clients who look to be quite capable of getting out on their own to see the doctor. Fox4 had the surveillance footage to prove it, although the patients' faces were blurred to otherwise provide anonymity. Meanwhile, she said, taxpayer-funded Medicare payments totaled more than $8 million to AG Total Care in the past two years.
Oliver plans to finger the company's owner on Tuesday's 9 p.m. Fox4 newscast. Viewers also will learn "why she's now behind bars."
The veteran gumshoe still has a brawling style that can be hard to take. Oliver's rubbed-raw, sandpaper voice can be grating, too. But this particular investigation looks solid, even if Oliver had to apologize at the end of it for an opening station graphic that pictured the wrong woman as the story's featured wrongdoer.
***CBS11 reporter Brooke Richie had an informative piece on increased dry-cleaning costs fueled by major hikes in the price of wire hangers. Customers might be able to get a small discount if they return those hangers on their next visit, she said.
Pete 'n' Dale's Playhouse -- Weatherman Pete Delkus began Monday's festivities by reading an email from a viewer who said, "I really like the way you and Dale go at each other. Pete, I think you win most of the time. (Dale) Hansen is a good sports anchor, but he likes himself way too much."
Anchor Gloria Campos praised the viewer's "very insightful comment" before Hansen of course returned serve.
"I don't actually like myself that much," he said. "I love myself."
Anchor John McCaa, again speechless, understandably looked as though he yearned to have a trap door beneath him and the means to use it.
Seventeen nights to go.