Dombeck newly married and beaming in official wedding video
12/20/12 11:46 AM
Ex-NBC5 "Gridlock Buster" Tammy Dombeck is newly married to Donnie Campbell. And her former early morning colleague, meteorologist Rebecca Miller, made the wedding cakes.
Hubby works for an Internet radio company. And the festivities were on Dec. 16th at Fort Worth's Ashton Hotel. Dombeck has just posted their official wedding video to prove it. Our very best to both them. And here's the highlight reel.
Ex-NBC5 "Gridlock Buster" Tammy Dombeck is newly married to Donnie Campbell. And her former early morning colleague, meteorologist Rebecca Miller, made the wedding cakes.
Hubby works for an Internet radio company. And the festivities were on Dec. 16th at Fort Worth's Ashton Hotel. Dombeck has just posted their official wedding video to prove it. Our very best to both them. And here's the highlight reel.
Tammy + Donnie from Coleman Anderson on Vimeo.