CBS11 goes to Garvin for early morning anchor
10/24/11 07:55 AM

Seven months after letting Scott Sams go, D-FW-based CBS11's lengthy search for his early morning replacement has ended in-house.
Keith Garvin joined incumbent Lisa Pineiro Monday (Oct. 24th) as co-anchor of the 4:30 to 7 a.m. program.
Garvin originally was hired in fall 2009 to co-anchor sister station TXA21's "First In Prime" 7 to 9 p.m. newscasts, which are giving way to a locally produced sports program hosted by Gina Miller. America's Funniest Home Videos already is occupying the 8 p.m. hour.
Garvin, who was raised in the Bryan-College Station area, joined CBS/TXA21 from NBC-owned WRC-TV in Washington, D.C., where he worked for three years. He also has been a correspondent and substitute anchor for ABC News after beginning his TV news career at KOLO-TV in Reno, Nevada. Garvin is a graduate of the University of Nevada's Don Reynolds School of Journalism.
Leading into the virtually unwatched CBS Early Show, CBS11's waker-upper long has been a fourth place finisher in the D-FW Nielsen ratings. Pineiro will mark her first anniversary with the program on Friday, Oct. 28th. Sams, now with Dallas' KRLD-AM radio, spent four years on CBS11's early morning shift before the station decided not to renew his contract.
AND BABY MAKES THREE -- Veteran CBS11 reporter Jay Gormley and his wife, Robin, are first-time parents. Their son, Daniel Patrick Gormley, was born Thursday night (Oct. 20th), weighing in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces.