Newt's topless trip-up gets taken to the next level -- national TV exposure for The Lodge
10/01/09 03:47 PM

Well, no one can accuse the Lodge, its owner, Dawn Rizos, and "writer in residence" Michael (P.T.) Precker of not milking this one to the hilt.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's embrace and then rebuke of Rizos, publicized via a volley of press releases Wednesday, has landed the Dallas-based businesswoman an invitation to appear on Thursday's edition of MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show, Precker disclosed Thursday. Comedy Central's The Colbert Report also has expressed interest.
"Gosh, this is fun," said Precker, who himself appeared earlier this year on CNN's now defunct D.L. Hughley Show. He happily regaled the host with tales of his transition from an award-winning reporter for The Dallas Morning News to assistant manager at "one of the nation's premier gentlemen's clubs, which has received many local and national honors over the years for its elegance, beauty, fine cuisine and integrity." FYI, you also can watch women take their clothes off.
Numerous local media outlets already have eaten this one up, with Gingrich the fool on the hill after his conservative American Solutions for Winning the Future said it planned to honor Rizos as "Entrepreneur of The Year" for "your success in building your business and recognition of the risks you take to create jobs and stimulate the economy."
In return, though, Rizos would have to pony up an annual $5,000 fee to join the organization. She did so, and planned to be at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington on October 7th for a "very small intimate event" at which Rizos would receive her award, meet Gingrich and have dinner with him.
What ultimately happened was predictable, but no less a publicity coup. Gingrich's organization disinvited Rizos Tuesday, contending a mistake had been made.
"We're very disappointed," Rizos said in Precker's hand-crafted release. "We were very honored to receive this award (see below) and it's really kind of rude for them to change their minds at the last minute."

Either way, The Lodge wins and Gingrich looks like an idiot.
Had Rizos actually received the award, The Lodge could have trumpeted it in a publicity release applauding him for embracing the club's family values and the job-provider who exemplifies them. Because after all, The Lodge "helps hundreds of people support their families, further their educations and build successful futures," Rizos says.
Rejection is even better, though. Gingrich is a money-grabbing phony either way. But now his organization seems even more inept and craven. The right hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. A boob belatedly finds out that boobs are involved after he first snuggles up to The Lodge's money. The emperor has no clothes. And so on.
Now it's all in P.T. Precker's hands. And believe me he's no slouch at priming the pump and getting various media outlets to drink up. First stop: The Rachel Maddow Show (8 p.m. central Thursday). Ultimate possibility: a joke on Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update."
"My pants are going crazy," Precker said, referring to the rush of publicity.
Have a good dinner, Newt.