CW33 takes sports department back up to 1 by adding former "Ticket" radio dude Chase Williams
05/11/11 04:38 PM

After shaving its sports department down to zero, Dallas-based CW33 will begin rebuilding it from scratch with the addition of Grand Prairie native Chase Williams.
CW33 news director David Duitch on Wednesday confirmed the hiring of Williams, who has been doing sports at Fox 34 in Lubbock (KJTV-TV) since August of 2009 and worked at D-FW's KTCK "The Ticket" (1310 AM) from 2007-'09 before heading to Red Raider land. He's a class of 2001 graduate of South Grand Prairie High School who went on to major in journalism and mass communication at University of Mary Hardin-Baylor.
On his twitter page, where he dubs himself "Sports Donkey," Williams describes himself as "just a guy who loves sports and likes to talk about it." He also cites his current occupation as a sports anchor at Fox 34, but adds that he's "moving to the big time this summer."
His tweets can be sharp. As in: "Suck it LA...and everyone there I used to be associated with."
And: "This showing by the Lakers and Bynum is almost as bad as the story I just heard from my Hooters waitress."
And: "Rangers suck Mavs are awesome."
Williams' Fox 34 bio says he became hooked on sports broadcasting after spending some time with longtime Fox4 sports anchor Mike Doocy for a 7th grade career research project. While in college he lettered for four years in men's soccer and was sports editor for the Mary Hardin-Baylor newspaper, The Bells.