Jul 2012
Veteran forecaster Goosmann, young sports anchor Williams leaving CW33
07/31/12 01:42 PM
Dallas-based CW33 is losing a pair of
full-timers from its newsroom. Plus, the station went
anchor-less with Monday's 9 p.m. newscast. Hmm. All
the details are on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Also, Monday's Olympics-dominated D-FW Nielsen ratings are in.
Ed Bark
Also, Monday's Olympics-dominated D-FW Nielsen ratings are in.
Ed Bark
Making a case for NBC's delayed prime-time packaging -- on cnn.com
07/30/12 05:48 PM
There's little if any upside to
defending NBC's tape-delayed prime-time coverage of
the 2012 Olympics, which as of now are on track to
become the most-watched Summer Games ever among U.S.
audiences. But I try to give the Peacock a break in a
requested, unpaid guest commentary for cnn.com. It's
already taking a hammering, although many respondents
seem to be ripping NBC's U.S.-centric coverage rather
than the prime-time packaging. Short memories. The
former storied network of the Olympics, ABC,
unfailingly took the same "homer" approach.
Anyway, here's a link to the CNN commentary, which is right here.
Ed Bark
Anyway, here's a link to the CNN commentary, which is right here.
Ed Bark
Olympics a ratings juggernat here, there, everywhere (although D-FW doesn't make Top 20 list
07/30/12 03:06 PM
Friday's prime-time Olympic opening
ceremonies crushed all competing programming
(including the Texas Rangers) in D-FW. So did the
first two nights of competition. But only one Texas
city ranks in Nielsen's national top 20 in terms of
percentages of potential viewers. And it's not D-FW.
Our report is on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, we have a buffet of tasty tidbits on the TV Bulletin Board page.
Ed Bark
Plus, we have a buffet of tasty tidbits on the TV Bulletin Board page.
Ed Bark
London's opening ceremonies: pip pip (no hooray)
07/28/12 12:09 PM
Expected to come up short of 2008's
awe-some Beijing spectacular, Friday night's Olympic
opening ceremonies accomplished that task -- and then
some. Were there really many, if any, time capsule
moments? Not from this perspective. Our full review is here after a long
night of tweeting.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
HBO's About Face a retrospective look at underside/upside of big-time posing
07/27/12 04:38 PM
HBO's 85-minute documentary film,
"About Face: Supermodels Then and Now, has
lots to say from the likes of Jerry Hall, Paulina
Porizkova and 81-year-old Carmen Dell'Orefice, who's
still putting herself out there. Our review is here.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Emmitt Smith, former DWTS "Twinkletoes," is back for more
07/27/12 02:07 PM
Emmitt Smith will try to re-win the
Mirror Ball Trophy he took home back in 2006 when
Dancing with the Stars presents its first
"All-Star" competition this fall. Also returning:
former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader Melissa Rycroft and
Bristol Palin. See the rest of the roster and
Emmitt's DWTS stats on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
End of the road at NBC5 for longtime traffic reporter Tammy Dombeck
07/27/12 10:20 AM
Tammy Dombeck, Fort Worth-based NBC5's
early morning traffic reporter for the past dozen
years, had her last day Friday. A picture and more
details are on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page, where
there's also an update on Fox4 sports anchor Mike
Doocy's cost-saving road trip to Cowboys camp in
Oxnard, CA.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
It will be hard to miss the 2012 Summer Olympics
07/26/12 03:59 PM
The networks of NBC Universal,
NBCOlympics.com, a variety of "social networks" and a
boy named Sue will be presenting the Olympics from
London, beginning with Friday night's opening
ceremonies extravaganza. We take an up-close look on
the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Network morning show drama on two fronts
07/26/12 01:08 PM
If a co-host falls and no one hears
it, is it a sound? Sorry, couldn't resist. But the
CBS Morning News has replicated NBC's sinking
Today by naming its White House
correspondent as Charlie Rose's new deskmate. It
happened on the same day that ABC's Good Morning
America whipped Today in the key 25-to-54
demographic for the first time in almost 17 years.
Won in total viewers, too. Details are on our
TV Bulletin Board page.
Also, the Texas Rangers again were the No. 1 TV attraction in D-FW Wednesday in their last game before NBC's Summer Olympics begin their 17-day reign.
Ed Bark
Also, the Texas Rangers again were the No. 1 TV attraction in D-FW Wednesday in their last game before NBC's Summer Olympics begin their 17-day reign.
Ed Bark
One if by land: Fox4's Doocy will be hitting the road to Cowboys training camp
07/25/12 03:32 PM
It's a pretty long haul from Dallas to
Cowboys' training camp in Oxnard, CA. And this time
around, longtime Fox4 sports anchor Mike Doocy will
be behind a wheel for the nearly 1,500 mile trip
instead of crammed in coach for the far briefer
flight. Why? Get the story for public consumption --
and the real story -- on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
New minimalist TV title champ: CBS' 3
07/25/12 01:20 PM
CBS launches its newest summertime
series Thursdays before shifting it to regular Sunday
slot. But just what is 3? Our review is here.
Also, Tuesday's D-FW Nielsen ratings give the Texas Rangers all they can handle -- from a local newscast.
Ed Bark
Also, Tuesday's D-FW Nielsen ratings give the Texas Rangers all they can handle -- from a local newscast.
Ed Bark
Sherman Hemsley dead; made George Jefferson his own
07/24/12 05:12 PM
Sherman Hemsley, the actor who ignited
The Jeffersons, died Tuesday at age 74. We
take a look back on the Network News & Reviews page.
Museum pieces (er, seasoned vets) mostly in place for D-FW's new Texas Daily newscast
07/24/12 12:30 PM
Dallas-based KTXD-TV goes back to the
future (sorry, but the cliche really fits here) with
retro Texas Daily news hour stocked with the
likes of Tracy Rowlett, Troy Dungan, Midge Hill, Gary
Cogill and John Criswell. Our detailed report,
complete with interviews, is on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Also, Monday's D-FW Nielsen ratings are in, with the Rangers this time winning it all with a two-pronged cable network attack. A little "Cookie Talk" post mortem, too.
Ed Bark
Also, Monday's D-FW Nielsen ratings are in, with the Rangers this time winning it all with a two-pronged cable network attack. A little "Cookie Talk" post mortem, too.
Ed Bark
Carey on: she'll be newest Idol judge
07/23/12 03:25 PM
Fox officially named singer Mariah
Carey an American Idol judge Monday after
rumors swirled -- or whatever they do -- in recent
weeks. Details are on the Network News & Reviews page.
Also, the Texas Rangers keep winning in the ratings, even when losing on the field. Our weekend "Local Nielsen Ratings Snapshot" underscores how powerful they've become.
Ed Bark
Also, the Texas Rangers keep winning in the ratings, even when losing on the field. Our weekend "Local Nielsen Ratings Snapshot" underscores how powerful they've become.
Ed Bark
DFW television news pathfinder Eddie Barker dies at 84
07/23/12 12:16 PM
Eddie Barker, the first reporter to
break the news of John F. Kennedy's death on
television, died Monday morning at age 84. Our
appreciation of him is on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Traffic-stopping former L.A. entertainment reporter Whitney Drolen is CBS11's new early morning traffic reporter
07/19/12 01:10 PM
CBS11 continued its early morning news
revamp Thursday by naming Whitney Drolen as the new
traffic reporter, with incumbent Teresa Frosini
shifting to the D-FW station's reporting staff. All
the details, and video of Drolen, are on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Prime-time Emmy nominations: still no nod for Emmylou Harrris, but . . .
07/19/12 11:35 AM
The latest prime-time Emmy nominations
were announced Thursday, with both the usual suspects
and a tasty batch of newcomers invited to the party.
But ugh, Emmy also plays very fast and loose with the
best miniseries or movie category. Our complete
report and analysis is on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Anchor Debbie Denmon out at WFAA8 (updated with Denmon quotes)
07/18/12 01:09 PM
Veteran WFAA8 anchor Debbie Denmon has
left the station after a nearly 12-year tenure. The
Dallas-based station quickly removed her bio from its
website Wednesday. Early details on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
TBS' Sullivan & Son: bellying up to this bar could cause your brain to go belly up
07/18/12 11:47 AM
TBS, the "Very Funny" network (hah!),
has a sorry excuse for a sitcom in Sullivan &
Son. It's set in a Pittsburgh bar, and you'd
really be better off drinking alone. Our review is here.
Plus, the Texas Rangers returned to action Tuesday, and the D-FW Nielsen ratings responded accordingly.
Ed Bark
Plus, the Texas Rangers returned to action Tuesday, and the D-FW Nielsen ratings responded accordingly.
Ed Bark
Ex-NBC5 anchor McGarry still mum on future plans, but blooms anew on Facebook/Twitter pages
07/17/12 01:21 PM
Her First Amendment free speech more
or less restored, former NBC5 anchor Jane McGarry hot
dogs it -- literally -- on her Facebook and Twitter
pages. Our commentary, including a riff on basic
media company hypocrisy, is on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
NBC5 tabs KOCO vet Rick Mitchell as new early morn meteorologist
07/16/12 03:58 PM
Fort Worth-based NBC5, after a
four-and-a-half month search, has named longtime
Oklahoma City meteorologist Frank Mitchell as its
early morning replacement for Jennifer Lopez. Details
are on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Also, Bob Schieffer snaps back after being used as Romney campaign attack dog.
Ed Bark
Also, Bob Schieffer snaps back after being used as Romney campaign attack dog.
Ed Bark
History Detectives returns with motherlode for musicologists
07/16/12 03:20 PM
The Tuesday, July 17th Season 10
premiere of PBS' History Detectives includes a
fascinating segment on authentication of the guitar
Bob Dylan supposedly used to electrify himself at the
1965 Newport Folk Festival. Dylan's attorneys say
nay, but the evidence is pretty compelling. The
Beatles and Frank Zappa are included in the other two
pieces. Our review, and a closer look at the
controversy, is right here.
Plus, the Texas Rangers roll up more scores in our weekend D-FW Nielsen ratings "snapshot."
Ed Bark
Plus, the Texas Rangers roll up more scores in our weekend D-FW Nielsen ratings "snapshot."
Ed Bark
Dallas, we hardly knew ye (with final season regulars Sasha Mitchell, Cathy Podewell, etc.)
07/13/12 02:40 PM
TNT's new version of Dallas is
nearing the backstretch of its 10-episode first
season. The old Dallas was getting close to
being nearly unrecognizable in its final 1990-'91
season. A tease followed by the official opening
credits are proof that the new Dallas has
featured more original cast members in its first
season than the original did in its last. The
revelatory, fun video is on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
J Lo leaving, too
07/13/12 01:25 PM
A second American Idol judged
called it quits Friday, when Jennifer Lopez told host
Ryan Seacrest on his radio show that she'll be
following Steven Tyler out the door. Details are on
the TV Bulletin Board page.
Also, Thursday's D-FW ratings "snapshot" is in the house.
Ed Bark
Also, Thursday's D-FW ratings "snapshot" is in the house.
Ed Bark
Steven Tyler leaving Idol; Breaking Bad returning to AMC for a so far terrific Season 5
07/12/12 05:39 PM
Steven Tyler made a surprise exit as
an American Idol judge Thursday, upstaging any
similar impulses by Jennifer Lopez. He let go in a
typically colorful way, with chapter and verse on the
TV Bulletin Board page.
Also, Breaking Bad returns to AMC for Season 5 on Sunday, July 15th. So far, so very, very good. Our review is here.
Ed Bark
Also, Breaking Bad returns to AMC for Season 5 on Sunday, July 15th. So far, so very, very good. Our review is here.
Ed Bark
USA's Political Animals a thinly disguised Bill/Hill howler (except it's supposed to be a drama)
07/12/12 11:48 AM
Sigourney Weaver makes her TV series
debut on Sunday, July 15th in the USA network's
Political Animals, billed as a six-part
"limited series event." She plays a secretary of
state and defeated presidential candidate whose
philandering husband used to be prez. Need we say
more? We do, on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Girl No. 1 for WFAA8's Alexa Conomos
07/11/12 04:38 PM
WFAA8 Daybreak personality
Alexa Conomos has added a daughter to her brood,
which also includes two sons. Details and a picture
on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Post-vacation local TV news roundup -- yee-hah! (sorry)
07/11/12 03:23 PM
Stuff always happens when your
friendly content provider is escaping for a while.
But now we're all caught up on some intriguing
developments involving D-FW television news people.
They were tweeted from afar via @unclebarkycom. But there are lots
more details on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, how did the All-Star game do in D-FW Tuesday night. We have the numbers and also a wrapup of local news Nielsens from July 2nd to the present.
Ed Bark
Plus, how did the All-Star game do in D-FW Tuesday night. We have the numbers and also a wrapup of local news Nielsens from July 2nd to the present.
Ed Bark
Vacation's over -- and so is Jane McGarry's long career at NBC5
07/10/12 09:11 PM
Your friendly content provider was
leaving on a jet plane from Washington State at about
the time that anchor Jane McGarry and NBC5 officially
announced the end of her 30-year career at the
station. McGarry earlier went the Facebook route to
apologize for driving while intoxicated. The story
and companion commentary are on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Happy Fourth!!! (as we take the 5th through 10th off, too)
07/02/12 05:15 PM

Have a safe and happy Fourth of July holiday period, everybody.
This seems like a great time to take a vacation, too. So unclebarky.com will be off from July 3-10th, with posting scheduled to resume on Wednesday of next week.
Meanwhile, we've left a review of TNT's new Perception series behind. It premieres on Monday, July 9th. And the weekend D-FW Nielsen ratings again show the strength of live sports.
Ed Bark
Oh happy days for Dallas Film Commission director Janis Burklund
07/01/12 12:54 PM
TNT's decision to renew Dallas
for a second season makes the Fourth of July seem
like an early Christmas for Dallas Film Commission
director Janis Burklund. Her reaction, and what
on-location filming means to the city, is detailed on
the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, as June begins receding into the unclebarky.com archives, here's another gentle reminder that you can help D-FW's only homegrown TV website to live longer if not prosper by clicking on any of our amazon.com ads before making the purchases you were going to make anyway. A small commission then goes to your friendly content provider.
Also, follow along on Twitter if you'd like via unclebarkycom. We're closing in on 1,000 followers after belatedly but now enthusiastically embracing the 140-character format as a means to both alert you to new posts and comment on the fly.
Thanks again for your support and readership!
Ed Bark
Plus, as June begins receding into the unclebarky.com archives, here's another gentle reminder that you can help D-FW's only homegrown TV website to live longer if not prosper by clicking on any of our amazon.com ads before making the purchases you were going to make anyway. A small commission then goes to your friendly content provider.
Also, follow along on Twitter if you'd like via unclebarkycom. We're closing in on 1,000 followers after belatedly but now enthusiastically embracing the 140-character format as a means to both alert you to new posts and comment on the fly.
Thanks again for your support and readership!
Ed Bark