Jul 2010
Heading West for another summer network TV "press tour"
07/26/10 06:55 PM
Here I go again, journeying to sunny
Southern Cal for another bout with umpteen TV
networks presenting their new fall fare. Takeoff day
is Tuesday, July 27th for a 13-day sojourn. So I
won't be back until Aug. 9th, meaning there'll be no
filing for unclebarky.com during that period but a
wealth of exclusive dispatches for locatetv.com.
Starting Wednesday, you can find all the latest press
tour news on -- locatetv.com. I hope you'll check
in regularly. Gotta make a little money -- or at
least break even -- once in a while.
Be good, local TV stations. And we'll catch up upon return.
Ed Bark
Be good, local TV stations. And we'll catch up upon return.
Ed Bark
Rubicon gives AMC a third Emmy caliber drama series
07/26/10 06:43 PM
AMC's Rubicon, premiering
Sunday, Aug. 1st, is definitely not a light-hearted
spy caper series. But its intelligence analysts will
keep your brain teased. Our review is here.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Tribune's impending "NewsFix" initiative will be nixed at CW33, news director says
07/26/10 11:00 AM
Imagine a local newscast without
anchors or reporters on camera. OK, but while you're
doing jumping jacks of joy :), don't expect it to
happen anytime soon at D-FW's Tribune-owned CW33. We
have the details here. Also, the
first-place Texas Rangers did big business for
a station other than Fox Sports Southwest Friday
night. Plus, there are lots of doings at ABC, and
we have them all on our TV Bulletin Board page.
Furthermore, see how Fox News Channel continues to fib
regarding its handling of the Shirley Sherrod
"scandal." And for a review of The CW's upcoming
Plain Jane makeover series, go to our home
away from home, locatetv.com.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
AMC's Mad Men makes another sale with Sunday's Season 4 launch; Fox4 adds a new gambit to 9 p.m. newscasts
07/22/10 06:42 PM
Mad Men returns with new
episodes this Sunday, and the first one is another
reason to get re-hooked or join the party. Our
review is here. Also, Fox4 lately
has an added attraction on its 9 p.m. newscasts.
Get the details here.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Explaining ESPN's Super Bowl XLV decision to headquarter in FW instead of Big D
07/22/10 04:30 PM
Friend and colleague Robert Wilonsky
of The Dallas Observer's "Unfair Park" blog
has a very interesting interview with the woman who
steered ESPN to Fort Worth instead of Dallas for its
big Super Bowl XLV splashdown. It turns
out she's a 1989 University of Texas at Austin
grad. You can find the interview here.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Shepard Smith's objectivity at odds with rest of Fox News Channel (and MSNBC for that matter); Starz launches "Epic Event of the Summer"
07/22/10 12:57 PM
Fox News Channel's Shepard Smith
doesn't have to wash his hands of the bogus Shirley
Sherrod "scandal." That's because he held back from
the start. We weigh in while also showing you
video of Smith's criticisms of both his employer
and the White House. Plus, Starz starts its
eight-hour Pillars of the Earth miniseries
on Friday. Our review is here. And the latest D-FW Nielsen ratings are
another home run for the Texas Rangers -- even in
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Rivals pick up on CW33 stories (but how far will they go?)
07/21/10 05:25 PM
CW33's oft-comical, regularly
salacious newscasts have been lampooned and
occasionally praised in these spaces. But rival D-FW
stations sometimes aren't shy about glomming on to
some of what they do. Get the details here, plus
unclebarky.com's look at three Tuesday night CW33
stories that likely won't be replicated elsewhere.
Or will they? Also, there's a report that former
Cowboys Coach Jimmy Johnson will be a contestant
on this fall's Survivor: Nicaragua. And CBS
has announced a new daytime chat-fest that walks,
talks and pretty much copies The View.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Haggard gets his due in new, rough-edged American Masters film
07/21/10 11:43 AM
Merle Haggard, deftly described by a
reviewer as "country music's Frank Sinatra," is shown
doing it his way in the latest new and memorable
American Masters film. Our review is here. Also, CBS11 hires an accomplished producer to
head its investigative until. And the latest D-FW Nielsen ratings are in
the house.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
CW33 adds new full-time reporter; Rangers rock in D-FW Nielsens
07/20/10 01:03 PM
Hello, all members of the unclebarky
nation/village/trailer park. Your friendly content
provider is freshly returned from a Bark family
reunion in Minnesota, where his diving catch in a
climactic wiffle ball game preserved a 12-0 victory.
This is what passes for a career highlight these
Meanwhile in D-FW, CW33 has added a new reporter with a very distinctive name. And the first-place Texas Rangers have been lighting up the local ratings scoreboard, with Monday night's down-to-the-14th inning turnout especially impressive.
Ed Bark
Meanwhile in D-FW, CW33 has added a new reporter with a very distinctive name. And the first-place Texas Rangers have been lighting up the local ratings scoreboard, with Monday night's down-to-the-14th inning turnout especially impressive.
Ed Bark
Doing BaD radio on "The Ticket" and then heading to family reunion in Land o' Lakes
07/15/10 03:53 PM
Those of a mind to listen can hear
your friendly content provider discourse on local and
national TV during the Thursday, July 15th edition of
BaD Radio on "The Ticket." The
frequency is 1310 AM, and my start time is
supposed to be 5:50 p.m.
After that it's off to the great state of Minnesota for a reunion with fellow Barks. Which means that unclebarky.com will resume posting on Tuesday, July 20th.
Meanwhile, another CBS11/TXA21 meteorologist has at least temporarily bit the dust and will be off the air for what likely will be a short duration. The details are here.
Ed Bark
After that it's off to the great state of Minnesota for a reunion with fellow Barks. Which means that unclebarky.com will resume posting on Tuesday, July 20th.
Meanwhile, another CBS11/TXA21 meteorologist has at least temporarily bit the dust and will be off the air for what likely will be a short duration. The details are here.
Ed Bark
Pair of pregnant pauses coming soon to WFAA8
07/15/10 11:00 AM
WFAA8 soon will be re-juggling anchor
slots when Shelly Slater and Shon Gables deliver
their babies and take their maternity leaves. Gables
in particular hasn't been shy about detailing the ups
and downs of her pregnancy while Slater tweets
occasional updates. Get the latest here. Also, Wednesday's D-FW Nielsen ratings
are in the house.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
CBS11 discusses why it divulged Fort Worth police officer's name after last week's car chase wreck; most rivals clam up on why they didn't
07/14/10 04:59 PM
Some readers have wondered about the
propriety of CBS11 revealing the name of a seriously
injured Fort Worth police officer last week while
other stations continued to cite the family's request
for privacy. Unclebarky.com takes a closer look here. Also, the latest D-FW Nielsen ratings show
who won Tuesday night in the battle between Fox's
All-Star game coverage and NBC's potent
America's Got Talent. Plus, a new TV Bulletin Board has lots of juicy
li'l tidbits. And on my home away from home,
locatetv.com, see whether you agree
that hardly any TV series star is indispensable
these days.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
The late George Steinbrenner revisited in evocative ESPN miniseries; meteorologist Garry Seith on mend from motorcycle crash
07/13/10 05:44 PM
The death of George Steinbrenner
evokes memories of ESPN's terrific eight-hour The
Bronx Is Burning miniseries, with Oliver Platt as
"The Boss." It premiered in the summer of 2007 and be
found really, really cheap at a certain discount
chain. Get the details here. Plus,
TXA21/CBS11 meteorologist Garry Seith is still recovering
from a serious late June motorcycle accident.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Allen ending early morning anchoring to become CBS11's lead gumshoe
07/13/10 11:53 AM
Ginger Allen, who's co-anchored
CBS11's early morning news program for the past three
years with Scott Sams, will be going back to her old
digs. Get the details here. Also, USA network
premieres its latest drama series, Covert
Affairs, Tuesday night. Our review is here. Plus, the latest D-FW Nielsen ratings are a
plus for two cable networks. And on our TV Bulletin Board page, there's
news of the CSI: NY actress switch.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Trendy pasta dish or meaty new crime drama? TNT's Rizzoli & Isles is ready to be served
07/12/10 12:19 PM
Dallas native Angie Harmon heads the
cast of TNT's latest drama series, Rizzoli &
Isles. Our review is here. Also, the weekend D-FW Nielsen ratings show
that Spain's lone g-o-o-o-al attracted plenty of
World Cup Final viewers in supposedly
soccer-uncrazy North Texas.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
A&E's The Glades follows the script on a network that usually doesn't
07/09/10 02:49 PM
Here comes another new, glib detective
series. Only this time it's on A&E, where
scripted hours are few and far between. For a
suitably fun departure from the network's Billy
the Exterminator, check out Sunday night's
premiere of The Glades. Our review is here. Also, a collection
of award-winning NBC5 mini-spots is designed to
make you all ears. See and hear them here.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
ESPN serves "The King," who comes off at least somewhat princely (updated)
07/08/10 11:23 PM
It may have been repulsive, this whole
idea of ESPN genuflecting to "King" LeBron James in a
Thursday night special grandly titled The
Decision. But in the end, how good of a face did
he put on his decision to leave the Cavs and join his
high-powered pals in Miami? Our review is here.
Plus, see how The Decision ranked in D-FW's Thursday Nielsen ratings.
Ed Bark
Plus, see how The Decision ranked in D-FW's Thursday Nielsen ratings.
Ed Bark
Syfy's Haven keeps TV's small towns creepy (updated)
07/08/10 01:48 PM
Rotary Club meetings are big news in
most real-life small towns. On TV, though, you need
something to break the tedium -- like supernatural
powers, murders, sinister pasts, etc. Syfy's new
Haven, being paired on Friday nights with its
quirky Eureka, is the latest saga of a burg
gone wild. Our review is here. Also, the latest D-FW Nielsen ratings are
close to a home run for the Texas Rangers. Plus,
Dallas-based WFAA8 has hired a new weekend Daybreak
weathercaster who's making a big-time market
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
First-timers Glee and Modern Family are prominent players among latest Emmy nominees
07/08/10 10:08 AM
Nominations for the 62nd annual Emmy
Awards were announced Thursday, with a batch of
newcomers joining the usual suspects. Get our
complete coverage here. Also, a
CW33 news reporter is heading to
CNN. And our TV Bulletin Board page notes TV
Land's renewal of Hot In Cleveland among
other enticing tidbits.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Shipp shape: Saluting the veteran WFAA8 investigator for his dogged digging on dangerous natural gas couplings
07/07/10 11:20 AM
WFAA8 gumshoe Brett Shipp reported
Tuesday that state officials finally are doing "what
appears to be a huge about-face" on the issue of
faulty and sometimes lethal natural gas couplings.
He's been on this case for nearly four years, which
is no easy task. We look at what he's accomplished
and provide video of Tuesday's report here. Also, Tuesday's D-FW Nielsen ratings are
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Post-Fourth fireworks/waterworks from Dallas-bred Bachelor and jettisoned fiancee
07/06/10 12:05 AM
Dallas flyboy Jake Pavelka and Vienna
Girardi took their post-Bachelor issues to
ABC's The Bachelorette Monday night for a rock
'em, sock 'em verbal brawl that's virtually certain
to be the most-watched program of the week. Go
here for our recap and commentary.
The latest D-FW Nielsen ratings also
are in, so you can see what kind of audience it
pulled here.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Happy Fourth of July -- plus a few new postings
07/02/10 11:57 AM

Hey there, everybody, have a happy and extended Fourth of July weekend. We'll be taking a few days off here at unclebarky.com central before resuming publication on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, the latest D-FW Nielsen ratings chart the audience for anchor Mike Snyder's last newscast on NBC5. Also, The Huckabee Show will be test-marketed on a limited number of Fox-owned stations (including Dallas-based Fox4) and WFAA8 is preempting ABC programming Saturday night for a FC Dallas Major League Soccer game and a following fireworks show. Get the details here.
Ed Bark
Mike Snyder keeps his composure, relinquishes his NBC5 mike
07/01/10 10:00 PM
NBC5 news anchor Mike Snyder bowed out
gracefully and poignantly Thursday, ending a 30-year
run at the Fort Worth-based station. Our complete
coverage, with pictures and video, is here.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
July dawns with a little praise for CW33 news (no, this is not a misprint)
07/01/10 04:03 AM
June starts fading into the archives
as we begin a new month with a fresh look at CW33.
Maybe it was a mirage, but Wednesday's 9 p.m.
newscast had some plusses, including the usual strong
work by meteorologist Rebecca Miller and her greatly
enhanced weather graphics. We also have notes on
former Fox4 reporter Rebecca Aguilar and NBC5 anchor
Mike Snyder, whose last newscast at the station will
be on Thursday, July 1st at 6 p.m. Check it all out here. Plus on our
home away from home, locatetv.com, we tell you who's
going to miss Larry King the most when he ends his
long run at CNN. And Wednesday's D-FW Nielsen ratings
also are in the books.
Again, thanks for your continued readership, with traffic continuing to go up. And a special thanks to those who made their amazon purchases by first clicking through one of the ads on unclebarky.com. A small portion of the proceeds goes to your friendly content provider. And it does all help.
Ed Bark
Again, thanks for your continued readership, with traffic continuing to go up. And a special thanks to those who made their amazon purchases by first clicking through one of the ads on unclebarky.com. A small portion of the proceeds goes to your friendly content provider. And it does all help.
Ed Bark