Nov 2011
Fox's late-arriving I Hate My Teenage Daughter closes out the fall season
11/29/11 05:27 PM
A half-dozen or so new fall series
already have been canceled before the arrival of
Fox's I Hate My Teenage Daughter. Was it in
any way worth waiting for? Our review is here.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
TV Land keeps up with its jones for sitcom basics with The Exes
11/29/11 01:05 PM
The network of Hot In Cleveland
isn't about to change its ways. Its latest broadly
drawn sitcom, The Exes, keeps the faith with
that format and, well, it's not half bad. Our
review is here.
Plus, the latest D-FW Nielsen ratings say that a lot of you enjoyed watching the Saints march all over the Giants on Monday Night Football.
Ed Bark
Plus, the latest D-FW Nielsen ratings say that a lot of you enjoyed watching the Saints march all over the Giants on Monday Night Football.
Ed Bark
NBC5's Davies, Barrie co-headlining on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
11/28/11 01:57 PM
The Tuesday, Nov. 29th edition of
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire will find NBC5
newsters Samantha Davies and Matt Barrie playing for
charity. More details are on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, WFAA8 and The Dallas Morning News have decidedly different coverage of Sunday's arrest of the newspaper's veteran Metro columnist, James Ragland. But at least they didn't ignore it. And the D-FW holiday weekend ratings include Thanksgiving Day numbers for the Cowboys game, a Lady Gaga special, etc.
Ed Bark
Plus, WFAA8 and The Dallas Morning News have decidedly different coverage of Sunday's arrest of the newspaper's veteran Metro columnist, James Ragland. But at least they didn't ignore it. And the D-FW holiday weekend ratings include Thanksgiving Day numbers for the Cowboys game, a Lady Gaga special, etc.
Ed Bark
November "sweeps" local news ratings give Fox4 the biggest plusses
11/28/11 09:43 AM
The four-week November "sweeps," which
ended on Thanksgiving eve, gave Fox4 the most wins
and the best overall showings in the key
25-to-54-year-old demographic. WFAA8 remained the 10
p.m. champ but had severe losses at 5 p.m. in its
first sweeps without Oprah as a place-setter. The
complete results are on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Happy Thanksgiving to all
11/23/11 01:29 PM

Many thanks to all of this site's partakers on the eve of the big Packers-Lions game and -- Thanksgiving.
We'll be taking a four-day respite, and hope that you will, too. Have a fine, fun holiday, everybody!!!
Ed Bark
ABC releases its fourth Albom with Have a Little Faith
11/23/11 01:17 PM
Mitch Albom keeps churning out
bestsellers and ABC keeps turning them into movies.
The fourth, Have a Little Faith, premieres on
Sunday, Nov. 27th. Our review is here.
Plus, ABC's latest Dancing with the Stars finale again gives WFAA8's 10 p.m. newscast a big-footed lead-in on the penultimate night of the November "sweeps" ratings period. Get the details on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Plus, ABC's latest Dancing with the Stars finale again gives WFAA8's 10 p.m. newscast a big-footed lead-in on the penultimate night of the November "sweeps" ratings period. Get the details on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
ABC's big-money You Deserve It cries all the way to the bank
11/21/11 05:01 PM
Ubiquitous Chris Harrison has another
prime-time job as host of ABC's You Deserve
It. The pot at the end of its rainbow is full of
tear-soaked cash. Our review is here.
Also, the weekend D-FW Nielsen ratings show the Cowboys slowly climbing upward again, in both the NFC East standings and viewer interest.
Ed Bark
Also, the weekend D-FW Nielsen ratings show the Cowboys slowly climbing upward again, in both the NFC East standings and viewer interest.
Ed Bark
ABC officially marks a spot for Dallas-set GCB (Good Christian Belles/Bitches)
11/21/11 10:17 AM
ABC's midseason programming plans are
in place -- most of them anyway. See where the
network's prime-time schedule is heading -- and where
the Dallas-set soap GCB will fall. Details are
on our Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
New American Masters doc offers double dose of Woody Allen
11/18/11 04:50 PM
Woody Allen plays a big part, by
actually talking about himself, in PBS'
three-and-a-half hour American Masters
documentary, which premieres Sunday. Our review is here.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Down the stretch with D-FW's November "sweeps"
11/17/11 12:11 PM
Some races have been decided while
others remain tight with just five weekdays remaining
in D-FW's November "sweeps" battles among the four
major TV news providers. Details are here.
Plus, Wednesday's D-FW Nielsens are boffo for Fox's The X Factor. And a new TV Bulletin Board has lots of goodies.
Ed Bark
Plus, Wednesday's D-FW Nielsens are boffo for Fox's The X Factor. And a new TV Bulletin Board has lots of goodies.
Ed Bark
Corning caught in shower with naked older man -- in latest comedy promo for Daybreak co-anchor
11/17/11 09:07 AM
WFAA8's comedy spots on behalf of
Daybreak's Ron Corning so far have been
well-produced and generally amusing. But now they
have to go and do this one. In light of the ongoing
Penn State scandal, it should have been flagged. See
what we mean on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, meet the guy who played Shooter McGavin and is now a featured player in NBC's Harry's Law. Our interview with Christopher McDonald is on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Plus, meet the guy who played Shooter McGavin and is now a featured player in NBC's Harry's Law. Our interview with Christopher McDonald is on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Anchor/reporter Denmon loses discrimination suit against WFAA8
11/16/11 05:08 PM
An arbitrator has ruled against
anchor/reporter Debbie Denmon in her weight and race
discrimination suit against Dallas-based WFAA8.
Exclusive details are on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Up close and objective: Nov. 15th's late night D-FW newscasts
11/16/11 01:58 PM
WFAA8 clearly outclassed the field in
this latest compendium while NBC5 led its 10 p.m.
news with a snow job in the form of a Southlake rain
shower. It's all on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, Tuesday's D-FW Nielsen ratings are in and we also comment on the latest revamp of the CBS network's ratings-famished morning show.
Ed Bark
Plus, Tuesday's D-FW Nielsen ratings are in and we also comment on the latest revamp of the CBS network's ratings-famished morning show.
Ed Bark
Up close and objective: Nov. 14th's late night D-FW newscasts
11/15/11 06:05 PM
Presenting Emmitt Smith as you've
never seen him before. Or at least that was CBS11's
unholy faith-based initiative in pursuit of "sweeps"
ratings gold Monday night. Our latest roundup of late
night activities on D-FW's four major TV news
providers is ready and able if you are.
Plus, that chillingly creepy Jerry Sandusky interview really bombed Monday night in the D-FW Nielsen ratings. Get the numbers on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Plus, that chillingly creepy Jerry Sandusky interview really bombed Monday night in the D-FW Nielsen ratings. Get the numbers on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
A still sinking NBC makes sweeping midseason changes (prosperous CBS makes just a couple)
11/15/11 08:15 AM
NBC will enter 2012 with programming
changes on every night of the week. If only it could
keep football. Get all the details, plus a couple of
CBS course corrections, on our Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Up close and objective: Nov. 11th's late night D-FW newscasts
11/14/11 02:20 PM
Fridays tend to be slow on the late
night local news front. But Veterans Day still
brought a few things to write about, with ever-dogged
WFAA8 gumshoe Byron Harris leading the
Plus, the Cowboys ratings are spotlighted in the weekend D-FW "snapshot."
Ed Bark
Plus, the Cowboys ratings are spotlighted in the weekend D-FW "snapshot."
Ed Bark
Up close and objective: Nov. 10th's late night D-FW newscasts
11/11/11 06:26 PM
Without further ado -- boy, are my
eyes tired -- we present Thursday's close looks at what
Fox4, NBC5, WFAA8 and CBS11 have been up to.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Up close and objective: Nov. 9th's late night D-FW newscasts
11/10/11 06:12 PM
The Rick Perry follies got ample
attention on Wednesday's late-nighters. But we've got
lots else to talk about, too. The latest looks are on
the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, WFAA8's latest installment in the Ron Corning comedy campaign dares to show him crowing about his new "More Ron!" t shirts. And Wednesday's D-FW Nielsen ratings show who won the big music battle between Fox's The X Factor and ABC's Country Music Association awards. Not to give anything away, but yee-hah!
Ed Bark
Plus, WFAA8's latest installment in the Ron Corning comedy campaign dares to show him crowing about his new "More Ron!" t shirts. And Wednesday's D-FW Nielsen ratings show who won the big music battle between Fox's The X Factor and ABC's Country Music Association awards. Not to give anything away, but yee-hah!
Ed Bark
Rick doing Dave on the night after doing his best to do himself in
11/10/11 11:57 AM
Presidential candidate and Texas Gov.
Rick Perry, already a laugh a minute, will double
down on the Thursday, Nov. 10th edition of Late
Show with David Letterman. A "Stupid Human
Tricks" segment also is scheduled, but that won't be
Perry's assignment. Details are on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Here comes another curveball: Murphy quits as Oscar host
11/09/11 04:05 PM
Eddie Murphy won't be hosting
February's Oscars after all. He bowed out Wednesday.
Details are on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Up close and objective: Nov. 8th's late night D-FW newscasts
11/09/11 02:37 PM
Collectively they just have to
be capable of doing better than this. Our latest
content analysis is on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Up close and objective: Nov. 7th's late night D-FW newscasts
11/08/11 04:33 PM
Why would WFAA8 travel to L.A. to do a
lengthy story on the Dancing with the Stars
diet in light of anchor/reporter Debbie Denmon's
ongoing charge that the station is holding her weight
against her? Why was NBC5 anchor Meredith Land
driving live in the station's parking lot during
Monday's 10 p.m. newscast? And is your friendly
content provider certifiable for immersing himself
anew in D-FW's late night newscasts? See our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, Monday's D-FW Nielsen ratings are a big plus for ESPN's Monday Night Football.
Ed Bark
Plus, Monday's D-FW Nielsen ratings are a big plus for ESPN's Monday Night Football.
Ed Bark
No need to be wordy: A look at single malt TV titles
11/07/11 04:24 PM
There have been quite number of new
series with one-word titles this fall, with more
coming in mid-season. Inspired by a reader comment,
we offer a defense for the brief.
Plus, former CBS11/TXA21 entertainment reporter Christina McLarty is workin' it in L.A., both as a correspondent and otherwise. And the weekend D-FW Nielsen ratings include numbers for all those high profile pro and college football games.
Ed Bark
Plus, former CBS11/TXA21 entertainment reporter Christina McLarty is workin' it in L.A., both as a correspondent and otherwise. And the weekend D-FW Nielsen ratings include numbers for all those high profile pro and college football games.
Ed Bark
Vietnam In HD adds new clarity to "The Living Room War"
11/04/11 04:13 PM
History's 3-night, 6-hour Vietnam
In HD premieres Tuesday. It's a worthy sequel to
the network's WWII In HD. Our review is here.
Plus, the D-FW Nielsen ratings for Wednesday and Thursday share the stage in our latest "Snapshot."
Ed Bark
Plus, the D-FW Nielsen ratings for Wednesday and Thursday share the stage in our latest "Snapshot."
Ed Bark
Presidential race as carnival; Gaga for Thanksgiving
11/03/11 05:05 PM
After seeing the Rick Perry and Herman
Cain graphics used on Wednesday's editions of Late
Show with David Letterman and The Daily Show
with Jon Stewart, I re-ask myself why anyone in
their right (or left) mind would run for president.
For more musings and a look at what we mean, go to
the Network News & Reviews page.
Plus, the TV Bulletin Board page has more tasty tidbits, topped by Lady Gaga doing a Thanksgiving special with Katie Couric. Wonder how she'll be dressing -- or whether she might dress as dressing.
Ed Bark
Plus, the TV Bulletin Board page has more tasty tidbits, topped by Lady Gaga doing a Thanksgiving special with Katie Couric. Wonder how she'll be dressing -- or whether she might dress as dressing.
Ed Bark
AMC's Hell On Wheels a vivid Western that sometimes chugs along
11/03/11 12:45 PM
Hell On Wheels steams into view
on AMC Sunday night as the network's first weekly
Western. Our review is here.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
It's the Grant Stinchfield show as he continues his run for Congress
11/03/11 09:28 AM
Former NBC5 reporter Grant
Stinchfield, now running for Congress as a
Republican, has a new campaign video tied to the
"Occupy Dallas" contingent. He waded into their
midst, told them what he thought and then was
"chased" off. Get the details and witness the
political theater on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
News over easy with CW33's Eye Opener; big news for NBC5 via Comcast's re-investment in reportage
11/01/11 05:07 PM
Newly originating from CW33's Dallas
studios, the Tribune company's early morning Eye
Opener bounced into view on Halloween. It's not
your grandfather's waker-upper. Hell, it's not even
your older brother's dawn patrol. Our review is on
the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, Comcast's re-dedication to the news produced by its owned-and-operated stations has put a bounce back into Fort Worth-based NBC5 among others. Station management outlines what it means in an interview with that can be found here.
Also, final national ratings for the World Series and Monday's D-FW Nielsens are in, too.
Furthermore, a new month prompts your friendly content provider to remind you to minimally support this site by making your purchases after first clicking on one of the ads on all of our pages. Think of it as our pledge drive. Except that you were going to spend this money anyway, and now you can put a few pennies in ol' Uncle Barky's pocket by stopping here first before proceeding to amazon.
And you can follow me on Twitter by going to unclebarkycom.
Thanks for your patronage and continued support!
Ed Bark
Plus, Comcast's re-dedication to the news produced by its owned-and-operated stations has put a bounce back into Fort Worth-based NBC5 among others. Station management outlines what it means in an interview with that can be found here.
Also, final national ratings for the World Series and Monday's D-FW Nielsens are in, too.
Furthermore, a new month prompts your friendly content provider to remind you to minimally support this site by making your purchases after first clicking on one of the ads on all of our pages. Think of it as our pledge drive. Except that you were going to spend this money anyway, and now you can put a few pennies in ol' Uncle Barky's pocket by stopping here first before proceeding to amazon.
And you can follow me on Twitter by going to unclebarkycom.
Thanks for your patronage and continued support!
Ed Bark