Who, what, where, when -- WFAA8's "Why Guy" leaving D-FW
07/09/08 06:22 PM

Mike Castellucci, best known as WFAA8's "Why Guy" since joining the station in spring 2003, has decided to leave Dallas-Fort Worth and move to San Diego with his wife.
News director Mike Valentine said Wednesday that Castellucci's last day at WFAA8 will be in late July.
The departure is "totally amicable," Valentine said.
Castellucci began as a roving Daybreak correspondent specializing in oddball stories spiced with his equally off-center sense of humor. He lately has been a featured correspondent on WFAA8's 5 p.m. newscasts. His most recent story, on July 8th, was on how Southfork Ranch remains a "hot property."
Castellucci previously worked at TV stations in Grand Junction, Colo., Colorado Springs, San Diego and Los Angeles before his Emmy Award-winning tenure at WFAA8.