Another milestone for NBC5's indomitable Bobbie Wygant
11/22/16 09:15 AM

@unclebarkycom on Twitter
As you can see from the above picture, NBC5 entertainment reporter Bobbie Wygant is having a birthday today.
And it’s not just any old birthday. She’s turning 90 on the otherwise somber occasion of the 53rd anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas.
Your friendly content provider has been writing about Wygant since 1981. She literally was there at the creation of NBC5 (then WBAP-TV) in 1948. And she’s still in there pumping questions, as you can see in this recent interview with Warren Beatty in connection with his new movie Rules Don’t Apply.
Unfortunately, NBC5 has closed its in-house celebration to “the press and outsiders,” says a station spokesman. That seems ill-considered, but happy birthday from afar, Bobbie Wygant. And in further commemoration, here’s a link to a “Back Channels” post that shows how far she’s come and how long she’s endured.
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