Another one off the KOAT rack: WFAA8's latest hire from Albuquerque station is reporter Lauren Zakalik
12/03/13 02:27 PM

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Lauren Zakalik is joining WFAA8 as a general assignments reporter, news director Carolyn Mungo confirmed Tuesday. She’s slated to start in mid-January, Mungo said.
Zakalik, who has a Master’s degree from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, has been an investigative reporter at Albuquerque’s ABC affiliate, KOAT-TV, for the past three years.
WFAA8 early morning co-anchor Cynthia Izaguirre and one of the station’s newer reporter hires, Todd Unger, also came directly from KOAT.
Zakalik previously worked at WILX-TV in Lansing, Mich. In her KOAT bio, she’s quoted as saying, “People simply want to be heard. I’m in the incredibly fortunate position not just to listen to them, but to be the person who passes their stories on to others.”
Her move to WFAA8 was first posted on the national TV industry website
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