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Fox4 early morning anchor Tim Ryan wears out voice, recuperates

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Tim Ryan left a button to speak for him on Facebook page.

@unclebarkycom on Twitter
Was it something he said?

Fox4’s Tim Ryan, D-FW’s dean of early morning news anchors, is temporarily off the air after his voice gave out.

“Went to the doc about recurring laryngitis,” he said on his Facebook page Wednesday night. “In her words, ‘your throat looks like a war zone.’ So . . . see you soon!”

Fox4 news director Robin Whitmeyer says it won’t be that long.

“He’s expected back on Monday, July 4,” she told unclebarky.com. “Rested and ready!”

The station’s Good Day, which Ryan has co-anchored for 21 years, again was a runaway No. 1 in the May “sweeps” ratings. Jenny Anchondo and Dan Godwin have filled in for him.

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