Fox4 photographer in the line of duty during high speed chase
07/17/13 01:08 PM

Proud parents in pic from Lauren Przybyl’s Facebook page.
Co-anchor Lauren Przybyl of Fox4’s Good Day and her husband, Shane, are first-time parents.
Przybyl announced the birth of their daughter, Landry Elizabeth, on her Facebook page Tuesday. She weighed in at 7 pounds, 9 ounces.
“We are in awe,” Przybyl said.
The Baylor University graduate replaced Megan Henderson on Good Day in the summer of 2009. The early morning show currently ranks No. 1 in the D-FW Nielsen ratings and has dominated its local rivals in the most-watched 6 to 7 a.m. segment throughout 2013.
Fox4 has been rotating co-anchors during Przybyl’s recent absence, with longtime mainstay Tim Ryan remaining in place.
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