Won't it make her brown eyes blue, too?
03/04/08 06:00 AM

Reporting from the shivery cold Monday on WFAA8's 6 p.m. newscast, veteran Debbie Denmon fretted about getting too numb to talk coherently.
"My little brown nose here is turnin' red," she then told anchors John McCaa and Gloria Campos before quickly signing off.
Hmm. Consider the double entendre possibilities as we again revisit the station's still famed big chill of Nov. 24, 1992. It was the night when reporter Valeri Williams found her lips in eclipse near Amarillo while anchors Tracy Rowlett and Chip Moody laughed it up.
Denmon's mild discomfort at least serves as a warmup act. But no D-FW reporter before or since has put on a better ice show.
Ed Bark