CBS11 tabs Alanna Autler to replace Cristin Severance in station's investigative unit
10/16/18 10:54 AM

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D-FW’s CBS11 has filled its vacant investigative reporter slot with Alanna Autler, whose first day at the station was Monday, Oct. 15th.
Autler arrives from NBC affiliate WSMV-TV in Nashville, where she spent the last four years as a TV gumshoe. She also has worked at WOWK-TV in Charleston, VA, and is a journalism graduate of Northwestern University, where she attended the prestigious Medill School.
Autler and investigative reporter David Boucher of Nahville’s The Tennessean were married a year ago and dubbed the city’s “Best Media Power Couple” by Nashville Scene. Boucher, now an investigator for The Dallas Morning News, is also a Northwestern University grad.
Autler replaces Cristin Severance, who left CBS11 last month with her husband, Dan Haggerty, an anchor-reporter for the station. Both are now with Portland, OR’s KGW-TV. Here’s a compilation video of Autler aggressively in action.
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