The very public burning of Big Tex
10/19/12 05:10 PM

The sudden and shocking demise of Big Tex, who went up in flames late Friday morning, is very big news in these parts and around the globe for that matter.
One wonders, though, about the treatment he's receiving from one particular D-FW television station.
An afternoon tweet from @wfaachannel8, retweeted by the station's news director, Carolyn Mungo, trumpeted the State Fair icon's last gasp as though it were a public execution.
"NEW VIDEO," it said. "Watch #BigTex burn from start to finish, smoke to ashes."
Well, there's some restraint for ya.
CBS11 sports anchor/reporter Gina Miller tried to bring people back down to earth in an earlier tweet: "OK, is this #idiocracy," she wondered. "There are flowers and a huge "RIP Big Tex" wreath on Big Tex circle at the Fair. I loved him, too, but really?"
WFAA8's Cynthia "Izzy" Izaguirre remained more than a little over the top about the giant-sized galoot. "I think we should fly the Texas flag at half staff in honor of Big Tex!" she tweeted. Easy now.
Live-wire NBC5 sports anchor/reporter Matt Barrie likes to screw with people's heads when possible. So I hope he wasn't serious when he tweeted, "In honor of today: 'Big Tex Friday' all flags at HS football games should fly at half staff, and a moment of silence."
Big Tex of course already has his own mock twitter feed -- @TheReal_Big_Tex. And he's taking his death pretty lightly. "I'm the newest fried item at the state fair!" he joshed several hours ago. And earlier, "I still look good even when I'm on fire."
NBC5's Ellen Goldberg and CW33's Amanda Salinas are among the local TV journos retweeting some of the mock Big Tex's musings. That's the spirit. Because when you get right down to it. it wasn't a person who died Friday. It was a man-made mega-Cowboy who talked kinda funny and had a very oddly contorted left arm.
The State Fair ends Sunday, so Big Tex just about made it to the finish line. He'll be re-built and be back in his rightful place next fall. And then we can all start making fun of him again.