Picky Picky (Vol. 9)
04/04/08 04:01 PM

A whole lotta downsizing's been going on again lately in the TV news biz. And some are reporting that the era of big-time personalities making out-sized salaries is drawing to a quick close.
Still, D-FW has a lot of those very same people on the air most days and nights. Who would you miss the most? And whose departure would hit hardest at Fox4, NBC5, WFAA8 or CBS11?
We've winnowed it down to four Big Tunas at these respective stations, but these are only talking points. You may well have other ideas about who's the most indispensable. Here are four conversation-starters that should be ripe for your comments:
A. Clarice Tinsley (Fox4)
B. David Finfrock (NBC5)
C. Dale Hansen (WFAA8)
D. Karen Borta (CBS11)