Jennifer Lopez dawns -- "That's for sure" -- on NBC5
06/23/08 11:45 AM

Perky for now but forecasting a droop-off by week's end, Jennifer Lopez put her first 12 weather segments behind her Monday as NBC5's new waker-upper meteorologist.
"The early time slot is going to be an eye-opener," she told co-anchor Scott Friedman at the halfway point of her 5 to 7 a.m. shift. "And I'm sure I've got some bags by Friday under my eyes."
Arriving from the Atlanta-based Weather Channel, Lopez is replacing Rebecca Miller, who had been at NBC5 since 1991 before the station dropped her in early March. The abrupt dismissal triggered an onslaught of protesting comments from viewers, leaving Lopez with a very tough act to follow in the eyes of many.
Her first words -- at 5:05 a.m. -- went like this: "I am so excited to be here in North Texas. And it looks like we're off to -- a warm start."
Friedman, subbing for Brendan Higgins, and Deborah Ferguson gave Lopez an even warmer welcome. There was no kidding about the name she shares with a certain famous actress/singer. But an amped-up Lopez got ample opportunity to both communicate her enthusiasm and test-drive what seems to be her tagline. "That's for sure," she said five times.
"You've got a lot of energy in the morning," Friedman told her early on. "I can tell already. That's gonna serve you well."
"I'll calm down," said Lopez before Ferguson asked whether she'd been fortified with a big cup of joe.
"I had a good caffeine on my way in, that's for sure," Lopez replied.
She wore white pants and a matching blouse, a baby blue jacket and an oversized necklace for her NBC5 debut. And the weather prospects didn't overly challenge her. It's going to be in the high 90s for the next week, with a slight possibility of showers on Wednesday, Lopez said in each and every segment.
Her voice had a bit of an upward squeak on occasion. And there understandably were a few awkward phrasings during what's going to be a major transition.
"Just not staying very rainy for you. Can't really blame the commute on the rain this morning, that's for sure," she told viewers shortly before 5:30 a.m.
Down the homestretch, she seemed a little punchy. "And good morning to you, North Texas," Lopez said as the clock finally neared 7 a.m. "Jennifer coming from -- my first day here. But I'm glad you're allowing me to be in your homes and I hope I get to come in every morning."
Obviously she deserves a chance to establish herself. Monday's first outing seemed fine for starters. But Lopez has only begun to experience the grind of early morning television. Bad weather inevitably will be on the way, too. How will she hold up?
Both NBC5 management and Miller fans will be watching closely. That's for sure.