A snow day at Flag Pole Hill gives CBS11 reporter Bud Gillett a chance to shine
02/05/11 10:39 AM

Amid all the trials and tribulations of Super Bowl week, here's a very charming, feel-good story from CBS11 reporter Bud Gillett.
There's nothing new about kids and their parents taking advantage of those rare slippery slopes at Flag Pole Hill in Dallas. But Gillett had a really nice touch with his Friday evening account. Maybe it'll bring a few smiles.
P.S. Since this question understandably comes up whenever Gillett's name is mentioned, his discrimination suit against CBS11 is no longer operative.
"It's resolved. That's all I'm authorized to say," Gillett said when contacted Saturday morning. As previously reported on this site, Gillett initially filed the suit on July 16, 2009.
Ed Bark