Nose for news at NBC5
02/02/10 11:18 AM

Oh, this is making it way too easy.
NBC5 virtually invited a snark attack by letting anchor Jane McGarry go one-on-one with an odoriferous, sight gag graphic during Monday's 10 p.m. newscast.
Hmm, what could this story be about?
Might it be a reference to the stinko management and continued prime-time woes of the Fort Worth-based station's corporate owner?
Could NBC5 be calling viewer attention to its own reliably sub-standard newscast?
Surely Jane's perfume couldn't be the problem. Her splendiferous home spread in the current D magazine is evidence that the veteran news reader buys only the best -- and can afford to do so.
Well, as Jane told it, "People in Rowlett are raising a stink tonight over a nasty stench coming from a Garland landfill."
Hey, your friendly content provider lives in Garland, so maybe that's what this story was getting at.
Still, an anchor should never be caught alone on the air with a "Sickening Smell" graphic as a backdrop. That's only common sense.