Fox4's Henderson will be open to offers during second stint with Fox News Channel
05/14/08 03:58 PM

Open to change while still happy at Fox4, Good Day co-anchor Megan Henderson says she'll "absolutely" entertain any Fox News Channel offers during a second weekend stint set for early next month.
"I love where I'm at," she said in a telephone interview Wednesday. "But I also know I could grow, and I don't know what that's going to involve one way or the other. I'm keeping an open mind across the board, because I can right now. And that's really the story."
Henderson, who's co-anchored Good Day with Tim Ryan since August 2003, confirmed a Tuesday report by the Web site TV Newser that she'd be returning to New York on June 7-8 to guest-anchor FNC's Fox & Friends Weekend. The item also quoted FNC senior vice president Bill Shine as saying that Henderson "will have a meeting with (FNC chairman) Roger (Ailes) when she's here."
"That's what I'm told," Henderson said of the planned sit-down with Ailes, whom she first met several years ago during a trip to New York with Ryan and Fox4 news director Maria Barrs. FNC has "very high hopes for her (Henderson)," Shine said.
Ailes, who also founded FNC in 1996, is "pretty hands-on in general and very easy to talk to," Henderson said. "But at this point it's just all so preliminary. I'm flattered that they're even looking at me and even talking to me. How could I not be? Of course I'm interested in anything they have to say. Quite frankly, it's an honor. That sounds cheesy to say, but it is."
Henderson, still fighting a cold, missed Tuesday's Good Day but was back on the show Wednesday with a notably impaired speaking voice. With six weekdays left in the May "sweeps," Good Day remains in a tight three-way battle for 6 a.m. ratings supremacy with WFAA8 and NBC5.
FNC previously flew Henderson to New York in early April for guest-anchor appearances on Fox & Friends Weekend.
"I'm looking forward to doing it again," she said. "I had a great time the last time around. It's obviously flattering that they're curious about me. So I'm curious about them."
Still, it's not over 'til it's over at Fox4.
"I love who I work for, so I don't want there to be any question there," Henderson said. "They've been very supportive of me across the board, which I certainly appreciate."