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Fox4 adds Alberto Romero to meteorologist team

Romero Headshot

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Dallas-based Fox4 begins the new year with a new hire.

He’s Alberto Romero, who on Jan. 8th will be joining incumbent meteorologists Dan Henry, Evan Andrews, Ali Turiano and Jen Myers.

Romero, previously with CBS affiliate KYTX-TV in Tyler, TX, will “report the weather on various newscasts and across our digital platforms,” Fox4 said in a publicity release Tuesday. Before his stint with KYTX and earlier with the now defunct Texas Cable News network, Romero spent eight years with the Air Force as a staff sergeant and weather officer.

“Alberto’s field military experience -- being able to quickly and accurately assess weather conditions -- will be an asset to the Fox4 team and to our viewers,” vice president and news director Robin Whitmeyer said in a statement.

Romero is a graduate of Mississippi State University with a degree in Geoscience.

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