25th anniversary Dallas VideoFest includes two panels hosted by your friendly content provider
09/28/12 12:51 PM

It's an honor and privilege to be doing two panels for the 25th anniversary of the Dallas VideoFest, which begins in earnest this weekend at the Dallas Museum of Art.
At 11 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 29th, your friendly content provider will present a fast forward history of presidential campaign commercials, with 30 entrees on the menu. That 1952 "I Like Ike" spot is still kind of catchy -- and utterly benign when compared to the assault ads of later years.
Then on Sunday morning at the same time, the great Matt Seitz and yours truly will be "Breaking Down Breaking Bad.
Each panel will be at the Crow Collection of Asian Art room within the Museum of Art. They're scheduled to run for 90 minutes apiece
There are a gazillion other things to do at VideoFest, but neither of these panels clashes with any other scheduled events. Or at least the first one-hour segments don't.
The complete Dallas VideoFest schedule can be found here. But if you stop by to see ol' Uncle Barky, well, you just might win a free soft cotton T-shirt with the official Little Barky head-in-a-vintage-TV-set logo. Um, who wouldn't want that?
C'mon out!