Public lewdness charge dropped against former WFAA8 anchor/reporter Brad Hawkins
06/25/10 01:58 PM

A police charge of public lewdness against former WFAA8 anchor/reporter Brad Hawkins has been rejected by the district attorney's office, his attorney confirmed Friday.
"The case is over and he is not being prosecuted," attorney Peter Schulte said in a telephone interview Friday.
Hawkins, 37, had been arrested on the night of April 19th after allegedly making sexual advances toward an undercover police officer in a Dallas public park. The D.A.'s office reportedly threw out the case in early May, but Schulte said he had decided not to put out a public statement.
At the time of the charge, Schulte said, "We're going to fight the charges and we ask that everyone holds their opinion until all the facts are known. In this country, everyone is innocent until proven guilty."
Schulte said that Hawkins remains in his post-WFAA8 post as a media spokesman for Dallas-based Southwest Airlines. Hawkins worked at the station from January 2000 to December 2008, when he left to take the Southwest Airlines position.