Snow 'n' tell: a keepsake album from Thursday's D-FW dawn patrols
02/11/10 11:07 AM

D-FW's early morning news programs love having their foot soldiers in uniform during cold, inclement weather.
Meanwhile, the ratings heat up as many more viewers than usual tune in to see whether schools might be closed or their commutes a living hell. Foul weather news -- and plenty of it -- still packs 'em in. That's why you see so many local newscasts -- at all hours of the day -- leading off with their weathercasters in times when a drop of rain or a 10-degree plunge in temperatures hangs in the balance.
Thursday morning had some fairly serious snow, though, and all four major TV news providers capably mustered their weather maps, traffic reporters and field troops for extended coverage.
After all, "We are in the grips of winter weather," emoted NBC5 anchor Deborah Ferguson.
Enjoy the above collection of correspondents who had hands-on experiences early Thursday.