Hear ye, hear ye: Barky and Barry's Media Extravaganza is on the air with a pair of free-wheeling podcasts
06/05/18 12:26 PM

@unclebarkycom on Twitter
Barky and Barry’s Media Extravaganza is on the air -- both with the “pilot” and now a second episode newly recorded on Tuesday, June 5th.
Your friendly content provider is teaming with former Dallas Morning News colleague Barry Horn for a conversational and opinionated podcast about whatever grabs our attention in the wide, wide worlds of TV and streaming
Barry had a long career as the DMN’s sports TV and radio columnist while also writing a number of in-depth features. My main beat for two-and-half decades was news and entertainment TV, plus the politics behind it. Together we now stand in hopes of bringing you unique and seasoned perspectives from two guys who pretty much have seen it all, but won’t be boring you with a series of “In My Day” rants.
Our first collaboration is now on iTunes, which makes it seem pretty official. But our home base is Dallas-based Vokal Media, Inc., where both episodes are now available. You can listen to them here and here.
Topics on these first two shows range from the new fall season to The Americans finale to the NBA Finals to a double dip with Roseanne Barr, whose ouster came just a couple of days after we discussed her hit Roseanne reboot among a wealth of other ones.
Many thanks to our maestro, Ted Price, chief content officer for Vokal. We’re also in stellar company with some of Vokal’s other podcasters, who include D-FW mainstays such as Brad Sham, Ralph Strangis, Rick Gosselin and soon, Gina Miller.
It’s all free of charge, but advertisers for Barky and Barry’s Media Extravaganza are most definitely welcome. It will help us to both stay on the air and keep Vokal thriving. Give us a listen, if you would. And let us know what you think. Barry and I are both on Twitter, and look forward to your feedback.
Email comments or questions to: unclebarky@verizon.net