Dinner at eight, weather at 10
03/24/09 10:51 AM

His predecessor, Troy Dungan, wore hundreds if not thousands of his trademark bow ties during a long career as WFAA8's featured forecaster.
Pete Delkus upped that ante on Monday's 10 p.m. newscast by doing the weather in formal wear. So why'd he play dress-up?
A. Pete was jealous of sports anchor Dale Hansen's wide-striped tommy gun suit and decided to fire back.
B. Pete was celebrating Tuesday's DVD release of the latest James Bond film, Quantum of Solace.
C. Pete had just posed atop a giant wedding cake for the June issue of Modern Bride magazine.
D. Pete was the celebrity maitre d' at Denny's annual Grand Slam A Jamma.
E. Pete thought that Monday was "National Dress Up In A Tuxedo Day."
F. Pete hoped to get lucky upon returning home after another long day of highs and lows.
Actually, Delkus had just returned from Dallas Baptist University, where he was co-chair with Alicia Landry of the Tom Landry Leadership Awards dinner. Apparently there wasn't enough time to change in a nearby phone booth.