Last pitch: WFAA8's Dale Hansen, Pete Delkus get their games on at fifth Uncle Barky Show this Saturday
05/16/08 09:54 AM

Here's our final reminder for this Saturday's (May 17th) fifth Uncle Barky Show at Stratos Greek Taverna, 2907 W. Northwest Hwy.
Admission is free, show time is 4 p.m. and our guests are WFAA8's high-powered duo of Dale Hansen and Pete Delkus, respectively the sports and weather anchors on D-FW's No.1-rated nightly newscasts. It's the first time they've done something like this "off-campus."
Representatives of their designated charities -- the Bobby Bragan Foundation for underprivileged kids (Hansen) and the American Cancer Society (Delkus) -- also will be on hand to accept generous donations from Stratos at show's end. A total of $2,500 has gone to charities during the first four shows.
So don't miss this chance to meet Hansen and Delkus, support and feel good about helping two worthy charities with your mere presence. Great food and drink and a good time are guaranteed. Spread the word and we hope to see you there!
Ed Bark