Dec 2013
ABC's The Assets slogs through its Cold War intrigue
12/31/13 03:18 PM
The first new network drama series of 2014 is a very curdled look at Cold War cloak and dagger. Our review of ABC’s The Assets is here.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
A top-to-bottom look at the Dallas Cowboys 2013 D-FW ratings picture
12/31/13 12:28 PM
All 16 Dallas Cowboys’ regular season games are in the books, and you know the drill. A third straight 8-8 season and another closing loss with the NFC East title on the line.
The Cowboys again were big ratings draws anyway. And our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page has a complete look at the D-FW viewer levels for all 16 games. Also included: ratings for Monday’s three college football bowl games with Texas ties.
Ed Bark
The Cowboys again were big ratings draws anyway. And our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page has a complete look at the D-FW viewer levels for all 16 games. Also included: ratings for Monday’s three college football bowl games with Texas ties.
Ed Bark
You'll perhaps be surprised at the ratings strength of TXA21's musical Yule log
12/27/13 02:05 PM
TXA21 offered the ultimate in low overhead programming -- a “roaring fire” and holiday music -- from 10 p.m. Christmas Eve to 9 a.m. Christmas Day. And it burned some rival broadcast stations in the D-FW Nielsen ratings. Details are on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Have yourselves a holly jolly, joyous, blessed merry little Christmas
12/24/13 10:37 AM will be taking a holiday break for the next several days. But not before wishing one and all a very Merry Christmas.
A special thanks to those who made their purchases this month after first clicking on one of the Amazon ads on any of our pages. A small commission then rebounds back to It’s a way to contribute without having to spend an extra nickel. And this is very much appreciated throughout the year.
Thanks for your continued readership and support. And now it’s time to celebrate!
Ed Bark
Sunday's D-FW ratings for Cowboys-Redskins: from comeback to fallback
12/23/13 10:59 AM
The Cowboys’ latest white-knuckler, a last-minute 24-23 win over the Redskins, as usual dominated Sunday’s D-FW Nielsen numbers. But the game also took a ratings tumble. Details are on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, Episode 11 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas paves the road for tomorrow’s big finale.
Ed Bark
Plus, Episode 11 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas paves the road for tomorrow’s big finale.
Ed Bark
D-FW's departing flights: 2013 edition
12/20/13 11:31 AM
D-FW’s local TV news rooms again racked up a sizable number of goodbyes in 2013. Our annual alphabetical list of goings -- from Fox4, NBC5, WFAA8, CBS11 and CW33 -- is on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Also, the Wednesday-Thursday D-FW ratings highlights are posted.
Plus, Episode 10 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas revisits some classic Tonight Show toy-testing by Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon.
Ed Bark
Also, the Wednesday-Thursday D-FW ratings highlights are posted.
Plus, Episode 10 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas revisits some classic Tonight Show toy-testing by Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon.
Ed Bark
New adventures in synergy: The Dallas Morning News allies with NBC5, makes enemy of WFAA8
12/19/13 09:39 AM
The Dallas Morning News and NBC5 announced a new “multi-platform” alliance Wednesday night, leaving the newspaper’s former synergistic pal, WFAA8, in considerable unrest. While still awaiting a formal takeover by Gannett, the Dallas-based ABC affiliate will now be just a driveway away from a new enemy. Details and analysis are on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Me-TV network gets new D-FW home (which for now is pretty much a van down by the river)
12/18/13 12:19 PM
Dropped on Halloween by KTXD-TV (Ch. 47), the Me-TV oldies network on Wednesday announced its new D-FW carrier. It’s KTXA-TV 21.2, an over-the-air offshoot of TXA21 that currently is unavailable on cable or satellite systems. Details are on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Also, posts its Top 10 TV series of 2013 list in addition to a Top 10 new series compilation. Contrast and compare with the second annual survey, in which your friendly content provider participated. It’s all on our Making a List page.
Plus, Tuesday’s D-FW Nielsen ratings “snapshot” is in.
Ed Bark
Also, posts its Top 10 TV series of 2013 list in addition to a Top 10 new series compilation. Contrast and compare with the second annual survey, in which your friendly content provider participated. It’s all on our Making a List page.
Plus, Tuesday’s D-FW Nielsen ratings “snapshot” is in.
Ed Bark
Leno added but Letterman still excluded among six newest members of TV Hall of Fame
12/16/13 04:57 PM
The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced six new TV Hall of Fame inductees Monday, bringing the total to 155.
David Letterman is still a non-member while Jay Leno will be enshrined this March. And Julia Louis-Dreyfus is in while Jerry Seinfeld remains out. Not to begrudge them, but . . . We take a closer look on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
David Letterman is still a non-member while Jay Leno will be enshrined this March. And Julia Louis-Dreyfus is in while Jerry Seinfeld remains out. Not to begrudge them, but . . . We take a closer look on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Cowboys crater while another million-plus D-FW crowd surveys the carnage
12/16/13 11:17 AM
The Dallas Cowboys’ seemingly impossible loss Sunday to the Green Bay Packers built to a D-FW TV crowd of nearly 1.5 million by game’s end. A full report is on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page along with other weekend ratings highs/lows.
Plus, Episode 6 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas presents an eerily cheery 1964 holiday spot for Viceroy smokes.
Ed Bark
Plus, Episode 6 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas presents an eerily cheery 1964 holiday spot for Viceroy smokes.
Ed Bark
Gotta sing, gotta dance in USA network's Psych: The Musical
12/13/13 12:49 PM
USA network’s longest-running series, Psych, segues into a big two-hour song-and-dance episode Sunday night (Dec. 15). The timing may be optimum, following NBC’s big ratings success earlier this month with The Sound of Music Live, which will be replayed Saturday night. Our review of Psych: The Musical is here.
Plus, Episode 5 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas finds the Dallas Mavericks taking the reins for “Sleigh Ride.” Thursday’s D-FW ratings snapshot is also in the house.
Ed Bark
Plus, Episode 5 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas finds the Dallas Mavericks taking the reins for “Sleigh Ride.” Thursday’s D-FW ratings snapshot is also in the house.
Ed Bark
Outshone again: Golden Globes TV nominations superior to Screen Actors Guild's
12/12/13 10:29 AM
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association announced its Golden Globe nominations Thursday, a day after the Screen Actors Guild released its finalists.
In the TV categories, it’s again no contest. The much-ridiculed HFPA remains way more forward-thinking than SAG. Our commentary is on the Network News & Reviews page.
Also, Episode 4 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas looks into the future to see this Sunday’s (Dec. 15th) very visual holiday couch setup for The Simpsons.
Ed Bark
In the TV categories, it’s again no contest. The much-ridiculed HFPA remains way more forward-thinking than SAG. Our commentary is on the Network News & Reviews page.
Also, Episode 4 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas looks into the future to see this Sunday’s (Dec. 15th) very visual holiday couch setup for The Simpsons.
Ed Bark
TV "Event" fever: expect an outbreak after mega-success of Sound of Music Live
12/11/13 02:48 PM
Mega-miniseries used to be the norm during TV’s days of yore. Now the networks are rediscovering the power of “Event” programming, with NBC’s Sound of Music Live lately leading the charge. We aren’t going to be revisiting the era of budget-busting, week-long miniseries. But with “social media” an ever more important ingredient, look for a lot more snark-inducing “event” productions that also have the potential to spit back big-time Nielsen ratings for their networks. We take a closer look on the Network News & Reviews page.
Plus, Tuesday’s D-FW ratings “snapshot” is posted. And Episode 3 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas offers video of a very merry “John Boy” Walton blooper.
Ed Bark
Plus, Tuesday’s D-FW ratings “snapshot” is posted. And Episode 3 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas offers video of a very merry “John Boy” Walton blooper.
Ed Bark
Sexy barrel racers spice up A&E's Rodeo Girls
12/10/13 04:24 PM
A&E’s new Rodeo Girls “reality” series stars barrel racers out to prove that life in the saddle is “more than just boots, chaps and spurs.” So its cover art is a hard-charging horse whose mount is a bikini-topped knockout. Giddy up indeed. Our review is here.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Ice cold Cowboys also crater in D-FW ratings
12/10/13 11:02 AM
Another Dallas Cowboys debacle on a national stage -- this time against the Bears in frigid Chicago on ESPN’s Monday Night Football -- left many D-FW viewers cold as well. The combined ratings for the game, which also was simulcast on KTXD-TV (Ch. 47), are on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, Episode 2 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas has video of happier Cowboys times during a 1980s Christmas video in which Coach Tom Landry gamely donned a dozen funny hats. Take a look on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Plus, Episode 2 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas has video of happier Cowboys times during a 1980s Christmas video in which Coach Tom Landry gamely donned a dozen funny hats. Take a look on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Uncle Barky's Countdown to Christmas -- Episode 1
12/09/13 02:43 PM
It’s that time again. Presenting Episode 1 of Uncle Barky’s Countdown to Christmas, starring Mandy Patinkin in a 1989 video in which he tries his hand at “White Christmas” (nice job) and “Jingle Bells” (my ears are still ringing). It’s all on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Crunching the weekend D-FW Nielsens for Sleetnado and pro/college football
12/09/13 12:33 PM
Who won and who didn’t in Friday’s all-out 4 to 10 a.m. TV coverage of D-FW’s Sleetnado? We’ve got the hour by hour ratings breakdowns on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page, where you also can find Nielsen numbers for the weekend’s big college and pro football games.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Frozen chosen: a salute to D-FW's TV's cold weather foot troops
12/06/13 01:36 PM
Friday’s early morning D-FW newscasts went wall-to-wall with weather. Meteorologists get much of their stations’ air time while remaining warm and toasty in their stations’ studios. But try doing a 5 or 6 a.m. report in shirtsleeves in the ice-gripped, not-so-great outdoors. goes all out to recognize each and every one of these storm troopers in a special picture-pocked report. It’s all on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page. Otherwise stay warm.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Bonnie and Clyde ride again in new multi-network miniseries; Improv touts 50th anniversary on Epix
12/05/13 03:45 PM
They’re long dead but still ripe for exhumation. So Texas-bred Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow get another makeover in a Dec. 8-9 miniseries airing simultaneously on the Lifetime, A&E and History networks. Our review is here.
Plus, Epix reprises the glory and gory of standup comedy’s original Mecca in The Improv: 50 Years Behind the Brick Wall. That review is here.
Ed Bark
Plus, Epix reprises the glory and gory of standup comedy’s original Mecca in The Improv: 50 Years Behind the Brick Wall. That review is here.
Ed Bark
TNT's Mob City deadens its proceedings
12/03/13 06:05 PM
Mob City, TNT’s six-hour, three-week television “event,” has the added allure of former Walking Dead show-runner Frank Dalabont at its throttle. But Wednesday’s first two hours too often play dead. Our review is here.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
WFAA8 again goes to KOAT -- for reporter Lauren Zakalik
12/03/13 02:45 PM
Albuquerque’s KOAT-TV has been doubling in recent years as a talent pool for WFAA8. The Dallas-based station’s latest news room hire makes it a threesome from New Mexico’s ABC affiliate. More details about reporter Lauren Zakalik are on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
Ed Bark
Another recycling project: TV Land's Kirstie
12/03/13 12:15 PM
TV Land’s latest new series, Kirstie, follows the network’s familiar formula of recycling former sitcom stars in a broad comedy vehicle. This time it’s Kirstie Alley, Rhea Perlman and Michael Richards. Our review is here.
Plus, Monday’s D-FW Nielsen ratings are a boon for ESPN’s Monday Night Football -- even in the face of a blowout.
Ed Bark
Plus, Monday’s D-FW Nielsen ratings are a boon for ESPN’s Monday Night Football -- even in the face of a blowout.
Ed Bark
Fox4, WFAA8 pace latest November "sweeps" newscast ratings
12/02/13 02:33 PM
All four combatants -- Fox4, NBC5, WFAA8 and CBS11 -- pocketed at least one win in the November “sweeps” ratings for D-FW newscasts. But Fox4 had the most overall while WFAA8 swept the marquee 10 p.m. competitions. Meanwhile, CBS11 can tout a 6 p.m. win plus other significant improvements in the early morning and early evening news slots. And NBC5 has a lone feather in its cap after going without any in November 2012.
The complete details and adjoining comments on who fared best and worst are on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, CBS ruled the football realm over Thanksgiving weekend, with not only a Dallas Cowboys game but two other major attractions. Those numbers likewise are on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark
The complete details and adjoining comments on who fared best and worst are on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, CBS ruled the football realm over Thanksgiving weekend, with not only a Dallas Cowboys game but two other major attractions. Those numbers likewise are on the Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Ed Bark