Cronkite still among us but reportedly in very ill health (or not)
06/19/09 03:03 PM

As you may have heard or read by now, legendary newsman Walter Cronkite, 92, reportedly is gravely ill and possibly near death. Numerous Web sites and networks have carried this news after former Philadelphia Inquirer TV critic Gail Shister broke the story on
However, a source close to Cronkite later told that his condition is being "grossly exaggerated."
"He's dealing with the challenges of being a 92-year-old man," said Cronkite's executive assistant, Cynthia Dicrocco. Cronkite has been ill recently, but is recuperating at home in New York, she said.
We'll keep a watch over the weekend and of course do a full obituary if the occasion unfortunately arises. For now, here's a video of Cronkite's sign-off, on March 6, 1981, as anchor of the CBS Evening News.
Ed Bark
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