Just two weeks to go before Mark Cuban on The Uncle Barky Show
08/29/08 05:22 PM
As you prepare to enjoy not working on Labor Day, make a resolution to attend the seventh in a series of live Uncle Barky Shows, this one featuring guest Mark Cuban.
We'll talk about his many and various TV adventures and likely slip in a sports question or two. There'll also be a followup Q&A with the audience.
Best of all, our host restaurant, Stratos Greek Taverna, will donate $1,000 to Mark's designated charity. That'll bring the grand total to $5,500, which frankly is pretty amazing.
Admission is free as always, with plenty of very tasty food and drink available for purchase. So support your local unclebarky.com and another very worthy charity by making this scene and spreading the word. Show time is 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 13th. And Stratos is located on 2907 West Northwest Highway.
Click on the above banner ad for further information on Stratos. Hope to see you there!
Ed Bark