Just a week away now: Uncle Barky Show No. 3 with Tim Ryan, Megan Henderson
02/15/08 04:46 PM

Lest you forget, Fox4 Good Day anchors Tim Ryan and Megan Henderson are coming to the third episode of The Uncle Barky Show on Saturday, Feb. 23rd at 4 p.m.
Our venue, as always, is Stratos Global Greek Taverna, 2907 West Northwest Highway, conveniently located within a few blocks of the new St. Vincent de Paul superstore.
Admission is free and pegasusnews.com again plans to videotape the show in its entirety for its Web site and cable access TV. Best of all, $500 will be donated by Stratos to our guests' designated charity, the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
We promise a lively time, affordable food and drink specials, and the opportunity to ask questions from the audience after our interview. Previous guests have been "The Ticket's" Gordon Keith and CBS11 anchor/reporter Tracy Rowlett, both of whom had a fabulous time, of course.
So support D-FW's only home for independent news and views on local and national TV. And also feel good about helping out a great charity with your attendance. You won't be sorry. And unclebarky.com will be thrilled to have you.
Ed Bark