"This is enough Bark to kill a man in 4.2 seconds"
08/11/09 12:49 PM
Bark is kind of a unique surname, ripe for jokes and wordplays, more unusual than Ripperton or Tspwiozbxmt.
Behold then, this street sign captured on his travels by longtime friend and former Dallas Morning News colleague Michael Precker.
Quite a sight, isn't it? Although I've never met Linda Lane.
Furthermore, Conan O'Brien's Tonight Show recently gave viewers a taste of the Discovery Channel's followup to its longstanding "Shark Week." Take a look at "Bark Week," where life and limb are endangered anew.
Ed Bark
Behold then, this street sign captured on his travels by longtime friend and former Dallas Morning News colleague Michael Precker.
Quite a sight, isn't it? Although I've never met Linda Lane.
Furthermore, Conan O'Brien's Tonight Show recently gave viewers a taste of the Discovery Channel's followup to its longstanding "Shark Week." Take a look at "Bark Week," where life and limb are endangered anew.
Ed Bark