Coming soon: Episode 5 of The Uncle Barky Show with guests Dale Hansen and Pete Delkus
05/09/08 03:41 PM

No, they're not actually scheduled to box. Let's make that clear. But if anyone wants to send me a striped referee's shirt . . .
This much we do know, though. WFAA8 sports anchor Dale Hansen and weatherman Pete Delkus, who regularly jab at each other on the air, will be the featured guests at the fifth Uncle Barky Show. It's just over a week away now, on Saturday, May 17th, 4 p.m. at Stratos Greek Restaurant and Taverna, 2907 West Northwest Highway. (Click on the above banner ad for further details about the restaurant and its location.)
This is a free event, as always. But you're of course encouraged to enjoy some of the restaurant's renowned food and drink.
Also, as always, a very generous contribution will be made by Stratos to the guests' favorite charity. Hansen has chosen the Bobby Bragan Foundation, which serves underprivileged children. Delkus' charity is the American Cancer Society.
Stratos already has donated $2,500 to the charities chosen by previous Uncle Barky Show guests Gordon Keith, Tracy Rowlett, Tim Ryan and Megan Henderson, and filmmakers Mark Birnbaum and Manny Mendoza.
Hansen and Delkus have never made an off-camera appearance like this before, so this is a great chance to see and meet them in person. You can ask questions, too, after our interview is finished. again will record the show for a later webcast.
So if you regularly read this site and would like these events to continue, please show your support with your presence. And to those who have been faithful audience members, please spread the word and come again.
Overall modesty prohibits me from saying that there's nothing else quite like this anywhere in North Texas. Oops, that slipped out.
Hope to see you there!
Ed Bark