Local angles -- all nine of 'em
03/23/09 12:20 PM

We recently messed around with NBC5's new "Golden Local" award, which kind of looks like a cowboy giving D-FW the time-tested finger.
But it turns out that our local Peacock, owned-and-operated by NBC Universal, isn't the only O&O to deploy this advertising device. In fact, nine of NBC's 10 O&O stations have a Golden Local in play, with WTVJ-TV in Miami so far the only exception.
The KXAS-TV (Ch. 5) Golden Local is pictured at the top left. Its latest winner, Uncle Julio's, got the most votes in a Mexican restaurant competition with Mi Cocina. Both restaurants' logos, and links to their Web sites, are part of the package. Do you smell corporate synergy?
Let's meet the eight other Golden Locals, all pictured above. Three are billed as "the World's First Human trophy," even if only one really is. But without further ado . . .
TOP ROW (left to right): KXAS (Dallas-Fort Worth); WNBC (New York); KNSD (San Diego)
MIDDLE ROW: KNTV (San Jose, San Francisco); WMAQ (Chicago); WRC (Washington, D.C.)
BOTTOM ROW: WVIT (Hartford, Conn.); KNBC (Los Angeles); WCAU (Philadelphia)
And no, you won't this information anywhere else.