Reporter/anchor Marcus Moore leaving TEGNA 8; reviewing Ken Burns' monumental The Vietnam War
09/15/17 03:25 PM
Reporter/anchor Marcus Moore will be leaving Dallas-based TEGNA8 at the end of September after a nearly six-year stint. He can’t yet confirm where he’s going next, but it won’t be far, has learned. All the details, including Moore’s praise for TEGNA8, are on our Dallas-Fort Worth TV page.
Plus, Ken Burns’ 18-hour The Vietnam War premieres Sunday, Sept. 17th on PBS. A full review, plus a personal postscript, are on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark
Plus, Ken Burns’ 18-hour The Vietnam War premieres Sunday, Sept. 17th on PBS. A full review, plus a personal postscript, are on the Network News & Reviews page.
Ed Bark