Idol: Kristy Lee Cook(ed); Castro now in Final 6
04/17/08 07:41 AM

Likable Kristy Lee "Nine Lives" Cook couldn't withstand yet another Bottom 3 tightrope walk on Wednesday's latest American Idol vote-off.
"Can I go ride my horse now?" she asked after getting the hook.
Cook referred to the "really good barrel horse" she sold in order to pay travel expenses for her Idol tryout. Answering an earlier viewer question, Cook said the purchaser now won't sell the steed back to her. A-w-w-w.
Expect an announcement next week that a benevolent Idol has negotiated a return of her horse, of course. You don't pass up an opportunity like that, especially when your No.1-rated show is rolling in dough.
Cook, 24, said goodbye by sitting next to judge Simon Cowell, her biggest tormenter, and singing, "Those days of love all gone, our time is through" from Mariah Carey's "Forever." Nice touch. For the record, Cook had been joined in the Bottom 3 by another frequenter, Syesha Mercado, and the increasingly aggravating Brooke White.
Meanwhile, Rockwall's Jason Castro now has made it all the way to Idol's Final 6. The dreamy-eyed, dreadlocked 21-year-old performed Carey's "I Don't Want to Cry" Tuesday night to mixed reviews.
"I didn't really like it," said judge Randy Jackson. "I thought I was at some weird beach luau."
"I'd love to be at that luau, listening all night long," cooed Paula Abdul.
Cowell basically agreed with -- shocker -- Paula.
Next Tuesday's mentor is Andrew Lloyd Webber. Who's gonna get to tackle "The Phantom of the Opera?"
Prediction: Two of my originally forecast Final Four -- White and David Archuleta (everyone's no-brainer pick) -- are still in the mix. She might barely make it, but look for Idol's first all-male Final 3 of Archuleta, Castro and David Cook.
Never thought Castro could go this far, but his fan base seems Rock(wall) solid.