Sign o' the times: Sheen still hot
03/14/11 11:23 AM

Maybe I'm amazed -- or just another one of his many enablers.
Still, let it be said that the above is one bitchin' logo for Charlie Sheen's latest enterprising effort -- the sale of official t shirts with communiques ranging from "DUH, WINNING" to "I'VE GOT ONE SPEED. GO!"
The world's most infamous warlock is hawking them for $19.95 apiece on his official online store. Meanwhile, he's also already sold out the opening Detroit and Chicago dates for his live "Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat Is Not An Option" shows, scheduled for April 2-3. It reportedly took 18 minutes via Ticketmaster. Sheen says that $1 from each ticket sold will be donated to the Red Cross Japanese Earthquake Relief Fund.
On other Sheen fronts, his $100 million lawsuit is underway against Warner Bros. Television and Two and a Half Men creator/producer Chuck Lorre, who have termed it "as recklessly false and unwarranted as Mr. Sheen's rantings in the media." And Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban says he's still very willing and able to cut a deal for a Sheen show on Cuban's HDNet cable channel.
"He (Sheen) continues to videotape and do a lot of different things, but we are exploring a lot of different options," Cuban told the New York Post in an interview posted Sunday. "I am pretty confident something is going to happen."
As previously posted on, Cuban's Dallas-based younger brother, Brian, is a recovering addict who has serious issues with Sheen for "outing" Lorre as a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. Perhaps the Cubans should have a brother-to-brother talk about this.
But Sheen still has momentum to burn, it seems. And with two sold-out shows in a matter of minutes -- with more sure to come -- America is getting what it's willing to pay for. Personally, I wouldn't buy a Sheen t shirt if you paid me. But as a spectator sport, Charlie Sheen still seems to be more popular at the moment than the upcoming NCAA basketball tournament. Or Cuban's Mavericks for that matter.