Ha! The pathetic spectacle of Chris Matthews
04/14/08 07:23 AM

Sunday's devastating cover story on Chris Matthews in The New York Times Magazine underscores his unchecked self-importance and rampant insecurities.
On the other hand, the Hardball gasbag likely will love it because it's all about him.
Writer Mark Leibovich's all-you-can-eat buffet also deals with Matthews' on- and off-air womanizing, incessant name-dropping, rampant redundancy and the dislike that some of his more prominent NBC colleagues seem to have for him. It's all written in a delicious style that finds Matthews repeatedly making an ass of himself by simply being Chris Matthews.
Here are videos of his very odd comportment with CNBC's Erin Burnett on Hardball and his dismantling at the hands of The Daily Show's Jon Stewart. Both are referenced in the Times tome.
Ed Bark